Zzzzzzzz We have to do it every night but nobody knows why

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Wed Oct 13 08:30:38 EST 1999

Graeme Whelan <gwhelan at access.net.au> wrote:
> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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> I was interested to read that logical reasoning is not impaired by sleep
> loss.&nbsp; I would very much appreciate it if you could come forward with
> a reference for this, as I have read half a dozen books and several hundred
> journal abstracts which suggest this is one of the first areas of cognition
> affected.

OK, this was something I heard at the conference, and I shall check my
notes as soon as I get to my notes and abstract book (having a flu now).
I shall surely find the name of the authors, and hopefully a published 

Dag Stenberg

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