Zzzzzzzz We have to do it every night but nobody knows why

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Tue Oct 12 11:00:58 EST 1999

>>once i saw this stuff, i'd just work to 'cram' information, of course
endeavoring to comprehend it in fullness, until i could go no further without
'sleep'. never fails. but it's 'frightening in the beginning. before adequate
'training', i experienced "falling into 'sleep consciousness'" so violently
that even low-'level' reticular activation got screwed up, and i'd awaken in
'panic', heart pounding, literally fighting to breathe.<<

at the 'time', i incorrectly surmised that these experiences indicated that i
had 'sleep apnea', and a heart problem (in the instance that i recall as being
most-terrible, i actually thought i'd had a heart attack... in that instance, i
could actually feel my heart hammering so hard that i became conscious of it's
becoming physically displaced within my chest cavity) and stated as much to
folks offline (within the context of larger, ongoing, documentation).

it's been apparent, over the years, that the Forthrightness-but-Mistaken-ness
inherent has taken on a rumor-mill 'life' of its own.

folks so-'love' spreading Garbage.

as i explained in my earlier post, after the ~18-month period, all of this
stuff ceased completely... no 'sleep apnea', no 'heart problems'...

i do have a deviated nasal septum (got hit in the nose by a hardball when i was
a Little Leager... the teammate with whom i was playing catch before a game
threw the ball without noticing that i'd turned away to address another matter,
when i turned back, the ball arrived with an awful 'crunch'... ever since, i
become unable to casually breathe through my nose if my head's leaned,
significantly, to the 'right' of vertical. it's not a problem, except during
sleep... so i long-ago trained myself to sleep solely on my left side :-)

the only other problems i have are smoking related... throat and, perhaps, the
'thing'. (i discuss such stuff forthrightly, as i have in this NG, out of a
sense of Obligation to do so, even though i understand that it'll be used, by
some, against me. i don't care about them. i Care about the Innocents who have
a need to know.)

i, long ago, conveyed all of what's here to other folks offline, but, as i
said, 'rumors' take on a 'life' of their own (see 'pastimes' in AoK).

a Friend called, yesterday, and got me to promise her that i'd get the 'thing'
checked out. so, when i can 'get-up' for such, i will (if i can find a place
that'll tell me the costs involved before going forward, and if i can afford
the cost... i pay my bills, consider them 'sacred' responsibilities... but i've
got to prioritize my use of what's available to me... first things, first, and,
just now, there are other 'First Things' that need to be taken care of).

if there're any other 'curiosities' that folks want clarified, i'll do what i
can to prvide such clarification.

Sorry about the 'necessity' of all of this.

K. P. Collins (ken)

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