orion wrote:
>> To anybody who is skeptical about the existance of implants in Human Beings,
> please have a look at this web site, Alien Implants, afraid not just the
> same kind of Human experimentation that has gone on for a very large part of
> this century.
> Mike.
I highly recommend the above pages, especially the page where the dog
belonging to the guy who wrote them originally tells us about _her_
experience of government sponsored mind-control. Here's a taster to
whet your appetite:
'After being de-sexed by a surgeon in an operation by a CIA trained
Salvadorean Death Squad cadre, she has to take CIA/military radio
tortures for the rest of her life since I rescued her from Peruvian
fascists who very likely stole her from a Russian dance troupe (she used
to leap and do fancy running that varied with speed).'
ps. In order to protect your keyboard it is _not_ a good idea to drink
coffee and read this stuff at the same time.