A potential antithrombotic agent

Pier Carlo Montecucchi 100143.765 at CompuServe.COM
Tue Oct 12 03:14:21 EST 1999

A new supersulfated low-molecular-weight heparin (MW 3500; SD 
4.0 - 4.4) (SS-LMW-H) has been prepared.

This SS-LMW-H does not interact with Antithrombin III.

Clinical advantages:
(i) potent antithrombotic drug
(ii) useful in clinical situations with genetical or secondary 
ATIII deficiency
(iii) antiatherosclerotic drug
(iv) pro-fibrinolytic drug
(v) a drug inhibiting the hyperplasia after a vascular damage and 
therefore an inhibitor of coronary restenosis after an angiplasty 

Looking for a partner for the commercialization of the product.
Contact: Pier Carlo Montecucchi at MonteGen
Email: innovations at montegen.com
Tel: 1-212-208-2647
Fax: 1-212-208-2648


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