why has the work i've done been 'banned'?
it's all quite simple, but Ugly as hell.
the TD E/I-minimization 'triangulation' method that i wrote about in a prior
msg in this thread (the 'cognitive destination' of my long drive the other day
(re. 'dream interpretation')), is apparently viewed, by some 'powerful' folks,
as a thing that must be withheld from folks.
the 'dream' thing was reified during the course of my drive because it's just
another application of the TD E/I-minimization 'triangulation' (long ago
documented, offline) that i've been using for decades, and to which i've
referred, repeatedly, in bionet.neuroscience... every 'time' i discussed the
way the one-way flow of energy from order to disorder that is what's described
by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t) constitutes a 'map' of Truth, and what's entailed in
following that 'map'.
it allows spectacularly-powerful 'viewing at a distance'... that is, the
piecing together of what must have been behavioral dynamics, given sufficient
'peripheral' information, even if the 'peripheral' information is deliberately
contrived with the purpose of 'misleading'. no 'magic' to it at all.
the control-freaks find such disquieting.
they're well-aware of that with respect to which i'm writing, here. recall all
the 'funny' msgs i've posted? their purpose was to, as gently as possible,
convey the essence of TD E/I 'triangulation' to these folks... in an effort to
allow them lead-'time' during which to get their houses in order.
this 'coaching' period is at an end (which shouldn't come as a 'surprise' to
any of the 'control freaks'... all of my posts, this online period, have been
conveying the same thing.
the things i've been posting... all of my efforts to communicate NDT's
understanding... have been wildly interfered-with. i tried, in my
standing-on-my-head, etc., way to get the 'point' across that such Censorship
would back-fire (as anyone who goes back and reads my
all-the-way-to-long-former posts will see for themselves).
now, the 'back-fire' is already 'burning'.
i didn't 'ignight' it. all i've ever done is that which used the small leeway
allowed me in an effort to get the understanding communicated.
yet, the work will be further Censored because the control freaks are 'worried'
about what 'common' folks'll do when they find out what the control freaks've
done to them.
it's such a small group that's turned what could've, and should've, been
only-Joy stuff into a terrific 'mess'... such a small group of folks,
arrogantly wielding such 'power', manipulating folks of Good Will, whthey'd,
formerly, 'kept in the dark'.
it's all so Tragic... Life itself, Usurped.
my 'crime'?
Loving being Human enough to Do Science on Humanity's behalf, rather than "for
good gosh! it's all-Ugliness... the worst-possible 'outcome'.
Science totally co-opted by the 'Beast', Abstract Ignorance... the absence of
an understanding of how nervous systems process information automatically
within nervous systems which, nevertheless, process information
automatically... all aimed at preventing the Tragedy, inherent, from being
i'll not be 'surprised' if, now, the Bullet finds its speed, at last.
but it's too-late for Bullets to make any difference... all of the
'triangulations' were communicated long ago... at least in this, and other,
control-freaked 'places'.
but, in many ways, copies go just as easily.
K. P. Collins