committed area in Cortex

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Mon Oct 11 21:17:21 EST 1999

>>   Many evidences seem to indicate that the synaptic
connection in an uncommitted area of Cortex can be rewired.
Putting rats in a learning environment resulted in
many more neural connection than others. For committed
area such as visual area, the synaptic connection is
fixed. Anyone knows how is this done? Does the fix
signal reside in the DNA of the neural cell? Thanks
for any hints.<<

Forgive me, please, what you say is totally False.

there's only an illusion of what you say being the case be-cause the 'wiring'
of the nervous system is 'finalized' and maintained as a function of the
activation that actually occurs within the nervous system, and, 'normally',
such activation occurs stereotypically, so the 'state' of the 'wiring' of any
'area' reflects the nature of this stereotypical activation and is, therefore,
'normally', itself, structurally stereotypical.

there're myriad experimental results that verify such. my favorite, although
not the most-disclosing, is the little experiment done by the M. D. and
brilliant Essayist, Lewis Thomas, who learned how to make a single earlobe
'blush' :-)

i wrote of a higher-'level' instance, in my own experience, in another msg
('zzzz...' thread) i posted earlier this evening.

anyway, if it was as you say, 'learning' would be impossible, so, thankfully,
what you've posted has no existence within nervous systems.

K. P. Collins (ken)

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