Conscious dreaming and Lucid dreaming

patanie at my-deja.com patanie at my-deja.com
Sun Oct 10 22:30:39 EST 1999

Conscious dreaming and Lucid dreaming

Here is a little note about the huge difference which exists between
"conscious dreaming" and "lucid dreaming".

Conscious dreaming is entering the oneiric(=dream)state
consciously,keeping exactly the same degree of consciousness as in the
waking state.

Lucid dreaming is only "knowing" that you are dreaming but it does
not,necessarily,mean that you are Conscious.

Conscious dreaming is the real mastery which has been achieved by some
tibetan masters in dream,the real thing which shows you that the
exoreal(outside)world is a form of delusion.

All the best,

Claude de Contrecoeur

http://dog.net.uk/claude(© Du Rêve à la Conscience/From Dreams to
http://www.flightwaves.com/dreaming(© Conscious Dreaming)

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