Zzzzzzzz We have to do it every night but nobody knows why

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Sun Oct 10 14:13:39 EST 1999

In bionet.neuroscience Nick Medford <nick at hermit0.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> (Incidentally, someone else recently
> posted here claiming to know exactly why we sleep, but when asked to
> produce references he did not respond. If he's reading this- I'd still
> be interested in any references.)

I do not know who that was - but to do some congress-dropping (cf.
name-dropping) I just returned from the 3rd World Congress of Sleep
Research, and the word is that we still do not know EXACTLY why we
sleep, but that it is highly unlikely that there is only one reason.

Repair, plasticity, restoration of various kinds are still on the list.

Dag Stenberg

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