>>but, consider the alternatives... 'go to grad school', and spend the vast
majority of one's energy 'going around in circles', getting relatively-nowhere,
be-cause grad school is, in the main, 'only' a 'pastime' (see AoK), in which
folks do anything but do what needs to be done.<<
this statement of mine is unjust and unfair... virtually all of the
experimental evidence that i used to knit together NDT was produced through the
diligent efforts of folks working in the Grad School environment. so my
statement is flat-out unappreciative and offensive.
what was in my 'heart' (perhaps "two" much) was my recollection from back in
the 70s of how, despite all the Jewels that were being continuously heaped upon
the pile of Treasure in the Neuroscience stacks, there was no one who deemed it
necessary to integrate everything.
why do the Jewel-stuff if it's not to be formed into its Crowning Glory?
is it the same way, still?
at any rate, i guess it's the case that i'm struggling against the 'pressure'
to 'invert', 'antagonistically' (AoK, Ap4)... it's stuff of which i'm
well-aware, most of the 'time'... when one has to exert 'cognitive force',
unrelentingly, over a long course of years, and the need to do so suddenly
ceases, the propensity to 'invert' is commensurate with one's former 'cognitive
efforts'... it's all 'just' TD E/I... it happens be-cause the external
concommitants 'invert', leaving one with TD E/I that's aligned with the former,
requiring 'cognitive exertion' 'state'.
i've caught myself, now, and will do better henceforth. if necessary, i'll take
myself offline.
it's sadly 'hillarious'... just when the need's so great, i've so little left
for the Giving.
perhaps there's an Intelligence far greater than mine taking over, eh? :-)
cheers, y'all. ken (K. P. Collins)