Lot's of links

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Thu Oct 7 20:29:13 EST 1999


it's more than that.

it's Tragic.

consider... it's probably the case that i've been trying to find a way to get
NDT's stuff since before the Anatomist was born.

why is the Anatomist still without access to it?

why is anyone still without access to it?

and, now, the wellspring of my decades-long 'desperation' should be obvious to
the casual observer.

i Hope this stuff can be gotten-through without further delay... at least,
before the next Bosnia... the next Kosovo... the next East Timor... the next
Chechnya... the next society-somewhere going amygdalar.

i place myself prostrate at your feet.

do what you will.

just don't, any longer, refuse to do Science.

sad cheers, k. p. collins (ken)

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