Is NO The Answer?

Y-chat at webtv.net Y-chat at webtv.net
Wed Oct 6 19:10:48 EST 1999

Recent studies of hemoglobin have indicated the probability that the
once overlooked noxious nitric oxide may have been at the very beginning
of molecular evolution. 

Long considered a "second" neural messenger system -this pervasive gas
permeates cell walls with quantum like simultaneous speed. In it's many
roles it acts as an all purpose messenger system.

It is a feedback regulator, transmittance coordinator, plus being an
antimicrobial defense system, neonatal axonial segregator,and vascular
switch controller.

As such it presents us with a simpler and more basic possibility of
understanding the workings of complex sensory and cognitive functions.  

Nitric Oxide- A novel gaseous messenger:
                     Piers Emson
Nitric Oxide- (NO) A Versatile Second
Messenger in Brain                       Kathryn L. Crossin
New Ideas on Hemoglobin-(Studies of Ascaris)
                      Dr Ross Hardison,Pa.State U.

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