SV: Capacity of the brain

Ron Peterson ron_p at earth.execpc.com
Wed Oct 6 09:28:57 EST 1999

Peter Harrison (pjh at ihug.co.nz) wrote:

: Not exactly.  The brain stores processed information - not raw data.  In
: other words when you see an event your brain interprets what is seen, and
: stores the interpretaion.  Since it is not known exactly how this is stored
: in the brain there is little point on trying to measure the amount a brain
: can store - by counting neurons or whatever.  There is probably no distinct
: correlation between neurons and a computers 'bits'.

A brief search on the web disclosed that there are 1.1 million nerve
fibers in the optic nerve.

There are 6.5 million cones in the retina, which are used for color
vision mainly concentrated in the center of the retina.

There are 125 million rods that are used for periheral and low
light vision.


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