most sensitive sense in humans?

Kalman Rubinson kr4 at is2.nyu.edu
Mon Oct 4 17:18:07 EST 1999

Linda J. Roman (roman at uthscsa.edu) wrote:
> Which of the five  would you say is the most sensitive sense in the
> average human?  I don't have any specific comparative criteria in mind
> -- obviously they are all measured in very different ways and maybe a
> comparison cannot be made, but I was just curious.

Difficult to determine since, as you say, each is measured in a different way.  What is
the energy required to bind molecules to olfactory or gustatory receptors?  

If you consider the threshold for perception of the lowest amount of externally applied
energy, I would guess vision since one is, at least statistically, capable of detecting
the reception of a single photon. Audition might come close as the threshold at 1KHz is
about .0002 dynes/cm2.  

Can't imagine the tactile senses coming close.


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