website on antibodies - how to find an antibody

The Antibody Resource Page antibody at antibodyresource.com
Sun Oct 3 23:39:49 EST 1999

The Antibody Resource Page (http://www.antibodyresource.com/) is your
number one source for information on antibodies.  Here is just some of
what can be found on the page:

1.  Custom Antibodies - a list of online companies that will make custom
antibodies for you.

2. Contract Antibody Services - If you are a scientist in industry
wishing to outsource the large scale production of your antibody, you
will be interested in this page.

3. How to Find an Antibody - a variety of ways on and off the web to
find the antibody you are looking for.  There are links to free search
engines that allow you to peruse a multitude of companies for the
specific antibody that you need.

4. Online Companies - links to over 150 companies that sell antibodies
or antibody related products.  Is your company listed on this page?

5. Antibody Image Gallery - see some of the latest in animated and
non-animated antibody graphics

6. Bulletin Board - Have a question?  Then stop by and post a message. 
Or answer a question.

7. Educational Resources - a variety of new links have been added.There
are links to pages on immunochemistry, antibody production,
autoimmunity, vaccines, immunology and much more.  This page is divided
up into sections on research, educational, and health resources.

8. Antibody News - Get up-to-date, antibody-related news articles and
newsgroup discussions 

9.  Online Databanks and Databases - links to online protein and nucleic
acid sequencing databases.  Invaluable to biochemists and molecular
biologists who work with antibodies.

10. Books - a growing section on books important to researchers who work
with antibodies.  Send us the book and we can post a review.

See it all at: 


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