Is Consciousness Discrete?

Y-chat at webtv.net Y-chat at webtv.net
Sun Oct 3 11:01:11 EST 1999

Doug Klimesh wrote in message news
[snip}"And that to truly understand consciousness, you must go beyond
the bounds of purely objective science. Remember that quantum physics
shows that objectiveness is a myth."

In the field of quantum physics there has already been a demonstration
of a "quantum non-demolition" QND measurements have been achieved by a
team at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.

There is a very major difference between the concept that something, be
it consciousness, or quantum particles CANNOT be observed and measured,
and the concept that it has YET to be observed and measured.

Mythology and supernaturalism is a fall-back patterning response for
those who have fears that informational data will be outside their ken.

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