>What do you people make out of that?
That there seems to be a millennial dragon not understanding enough
about magic as a dragon is supposed to be.
And if being a dragon into torturing mice
what for me is the sequencer if though hadst bothered to obsereve in
them or wert to when they are free and thou wert to ask thine
might lead thee to sundry understandings in a few dragon's riddles.
Methinks however that often the answer to a riddle is leading to
sundry more and those to far more, till mayhaps the time cometh, when
thou mighst realize that thou art not a norn nor hast the life-span of
If thou wert to spend a few more milleniums to observe how thine and
othere systems thou sharest thy head with arn storing data and how
thou canst command special storing orders, though mighst find out
...Have fascination riddling, dragon, but do not base it too much on
other's costs, following the bad examples of thy name-siblings in the