
Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun May 30 16:55:54 EST 1999

james.teo at chch.ox.ac.uk (Millennial Dragon) wrote:

>On Sun, 30 May 1999 15:19:52 -0300, "Julia Muller Dias"
><ironwood at zaz.com.br> wrote:
>>Dear Sirs
>>We need informations about glycine, like co-agonist in the treatment of 
>>Best regards.
>>Vladimir D. Dias
>I don't have the exact references about glycine's effectiveness in
>augmenting normal antipsychotic therapy,

I believe the macho-fan was addressing the sirs for generalized
people's abuse for making up for that he did not have proper magic
education for enough decades to help in old traditional ways and now
wants to drug others trying "to make up" for his lacks in proper
healing skills, and I do not recall him using "psychotic" 
like some headblind not able to discern a few thousand emption
generators subprograms.

>Waziri et al (ref?) showed in a clinical study, that high doses of
>glycine (5-25 g/day) administered ot schizophrenics produced
>improvement in 4 out of 11 patients. However another study by Potkin
>et al (ref?) was unable to replicate the finding and only reported
>modest improvements in 1 out of 8 schizophrenics.

I guess with such generalizings they would have to be patient indeed.
(Lol... ;-)

... Hearing you talk it amazes me that some of them did not already
hop out the window yet to flee such forever.

>A separate study using low dose milacemide (a proglycine drug) produced no change in
>behaviour (Rosse et al, 1991)

(...The generalized behaviour, of course ... ;-)

>symptoms of schizophrenia based on the Wisconsin Card Sort Task.
I am sure for you the symptoms are based at the Wisconsin Card Sort

...You risk I fall from the chair giggling if going on like that.
Symptoms of generalized irxtlwrrx based on some USie Card Sort

Say, has it ever remotely occurred to you that possibly the symptoms
are based on inner stuff, with optic hallucinating to do with energy
ranges for example, and that though there might be tests and other
ways to find out some of the symptoms, a good old-fashioned or modern
tele[pathic link could still be ways more precise in making oneself
understand more about the problems,
and that steering knowledge in magic for hundreds of thousands of
energy ranges is mayhap a little more suited if able to steer the own
and the other brain between hallucinating and non-hallucinating ranges
till the other brain understands more about such,
then toying around with drugs in others in areas not even understood

... Guess not.

(There are those where one could start to believe the last thousands
of years of magic research to do with brain energy ranges, also
referred to as telepathy by some, somehow went as tracelessly past
them, as why many Red Indian folks like(d) hallucinating persons with
differing range capacities as healers among others thingies  where
such might be very useful   for people with trouble hallucinating.
...Not that I expect  a load descending from people suppressing other
peoples and declaring lands theirs that is not, many of them sense
censored Christians for atomic rockets,  to have followed magic
developments among those declared conquered nor where the Christians
did not succeed in suppressing magic data.
How was that with the ostrich sticking the head into the ground?
..Guess that is also a way where one could declare to be seriously
studying the Earth. ;-)

>Additionally, this probably isn't helpful, but a monoclonal antibody
>(B6B21) and the amino acid, d-cylcoserine binds to the glycine site as
>well and enhances hippocampus-dependent learning (Thompson et al,

In case this is stuff one can take as a drug, then why does not
everybody pop the stuff all day long?

> I don't know if either of these have been tested in models for

So, how exactly do you propose to make a model of schizophrenia?

Yours remind me of some here historic "leader" 's ideology to do with
not regarding people as people.

Let me erratically guess: Next the Westies are going to test in models
for LSD hallucinating and not hallucinating, heh-heh. ;-)

If you were of my branch wtihin LSD teaching, I'd put it to: What do
you notice in akasha-surfing  if someone hallucinating before  after
being asked to goes down in axon activity, takes in all outer "points"
paralllel, leves you central external energy control  and you
telepathically steer for energy ranges of different neocortex
shareware areas in a row? (Shortly [in both brains] occ. then
parietal, temporal, and then going between them. Basically just
logging ranges with one, till holding shortly (not too long, really
just pretty short), and then retarget for the next main shareware
area. About each twice does, if you are good enough.) How about
testing that modell and then getting the other one to understand the
model maybe not up to a white magicians standards, but at least to
"what do you notice if you look at hallus and energy ranges?"

...Mainly just nerding around. This was not expected to make sense.
Add it to the millennial dragon riddle list.

I at times just love nerding around.


Interesting word actually.

Reminds me of nuts branch

>et al (1992) Presentation at the 145th Annual Meeting of
>the American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.

Sorry, at times I have trouble to remain serious, 
especially if something sounds like lagging so many thousands of years
behind current telepathic data of Earth, that even for someone as bad
and as handicaapped in telepathic stuff as me  it starts to sound as
silly as someone who did not bother yet to learn to count till 7 nor
bothering about natural internal levels disturbings by chemistry
is wondering idly what would happen if one were to add 4 pills and 3

Why don't you tune yourself to a hallucinting brain till your levels
are warped for good, and learn to be aware in dreams and then to steer
when awake to dreaming ranges,  then maybe you find out enough about
what you call "schizophrenia" that you can test your drugs on
yourself, heh-heh... lol!

Might bring you new perceptions about tests  in  "models" as well.

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