Its good news for people with neurological conditions

Millennial Dragon james.teo at chch.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 31 13:42:11 EST 1999

On Mon, 31 May 1999 17:14:04 +0100, "Andrew Fletcher"
<gravitystudy at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Thank you for responding to my post.

Thanks for the immense list of references on the effects of gravity on
our body.

>John and Jean Simkins are respected throughout the World for their work in
>multiple sclerosis. as for peer review, this appears to be a luxury which
>eludes me despite trying to involve many professional people.
>At the end of the day does it really matter who one is? All than matters is
>what one achieves in this pathetically short existence!

Of course it doesn't matter in the Zen sort of way. But it certainly
matters in scientific study.

>Judge me by what appears on the message board and conclude that there is
>either a mass international conspiracy to promote an unknown nobody's
>theory, or that the people posting might actually be experiencing what they

Er... Your references just point that gravity has effects on the
physiological state of the human body, which no one doubts. But what
it doesn't show is: any clinical data how sleep position affects
multiple sclerosis.
If there is a reference for any such study, please cite it so I can go
and look at it.

>Take gravity away and there would be no life on Earth. Only Mankind could
>surmise that he is independent of the force of gravity, despite everywhere
>one looks life appears to benefit from its influence. The Atlantic conveyor
>System operates on the same flow and return system!

Look, I'm not disputing that grvaity exists and that it affects living
beings. What I am disputing is whether or not you can claim it affects
us to such a scale. It's like saying "magnetic fields affect much of
life on earth, why aren't humans healed by it?" No logical link.

>Perhaps you would like to explain how the specific gravity of urine drops to
>a zero level when you sleep with your head down and your feet up? Yet the
>opposite is observed when the bed is inclined. How does that fit with your
>text book?

How do you measure the 'specific gravity of urine'? 

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