Its good news for people with neurological conditions

Eric eric at GRUVER.NET
Sun May 30 22:23:23 EST 1999

Andrew Fletcher wrote:
> Monday, 30 May 1999
> Who told you to sleep on a flat bed?
> Something as simple as Sleeping on a traditional horizontal bed may be
> causing Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Osteoporosis, Arthritis,
> Leg ulcers, heart conditions and many more serious medical conditions.

And blood flows through the body like sap through trees?
> There are many published papers, which identify horizontal bed-rest as
> anything, but healthy, yet billions of people retire to a flat bed, which
> could well initiate their downfall.
> A new trial began in January this year involving three hundred people with
> MS, fifty people with Motor Neurone Disease and fifty people with spinal
> cord injuries. The only interventions are: A modified sleeping position,
> which involves raising the head of your bed six inches higher than the foot
> of your bed. And an improvement to your sitting posture, which involves
> sitting with your bottom higher than your knees in order to effect the same
> slope as the modified bed.

Are these medical trials overseen by qualified medical personnel?

What methodology are you following in your experiment?  Suggesting they
incline their bed and then asking if they feel better?  Are there any
quantifiable, objective measures to test?

> How does this work?
> For more information about the theory and the study simply send an Email to
> Gravity at currantbun.com

And learn about capillary action in trees?

> To hear what people with MS and other conditions are saying about avoiding
> horizontal bedrest, visit our Message Board, which is used by the people on
> the study to share their experiences with others
> Together we will make a difference!
> http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb405491

Your web site is very weird.  For example, your
explanation of strokes:
   The increased activity generates additional warmth 
   and therefore additional evaporation. This is important 
   because any increase in evaporation must result in an 
   increase of concentrated minerals within the liquids 
   inside the body. 

   These concentrated liquids would normally be excreted 
   in the urine providing the body is inline with gravity, 
   either standing or inclined as with the bed experiment. 
   This allows free flow of these heavy fluids through the 
   kidneys and out into the bladder. (See specific gravity 
   of urine exp. in the "Importance of Gravity to our 
   Health and Well-being). 

   When the body is horizontal, the concentrated solutions 
   are stored throughout the body in the wrong places, 
   along the arteries as sedimentary deposits 
   (atherosclerosis) or in the bones, muscle and tissue. 
   This happens because gravity will always affect such 
   concentrated solutions, irrespective of the direction 
   they are flowing. In the horizontal position the 
   concentrated fluid flow directly towards the ground 
   and this means that they flow laterally instead of 

   However they have only a very short distance to travel 
   in this direction and it is this reduction in 
   circulation, which causes the sedimentary deposits to 
   occur. This also happens when a person is sitting with 
   their knees higher than their bottom, "Wheelchair 
   posture". The minerals are stored in the same way but 
   in different locations, although there is obviously 
   less chance of arterial problems when sitting is 
   compared to sleeping horizontally. 

Are you serious?

Eric Johnson

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