
Kevin Kunz footcsc at swcp.com
Sun May 30 08:54:26 EST 1999

You got me. Maybe it is language but I do not understand what you are
talking about.
Cijadrachon wrote:

> Sure man, and next my heads consciousnesses are furthered by the front
> half of the cingulate gyrus, the occipital cortex, my left little toe
> and my bladder.
> I believe you are understanding something else under consciousness
> than me. The English term seems a bit different from the German term
> Bewusstsein ("aware being", tending to be connected with perceving
> onself in aware form, being an "I").
> Might be due to that.
> Simplified my sequencer nor its external sytems in the upper frontal
> cortex have "I".
> The sequencer can think, but not far enough to get to
> I think / I seqence, therefore I am.
> Sorry, but maybe you have not traced my opinions about such in
> bionet.neuroscience in the last year, and I am not into repeating all
> I said there. Nor into someone neither MBD nor termed "autist" trying
> to tell me which of the systems mine share the head with from now on
> are to be conscious.
> Feel free to believe what you want.
> (Just don't expect that I believe it.)

You don't believe that the sensory/motor cortex is involved in conscious
actions? You lost me. It is not what I believe but rather what is known.
I didn't make it up.
Kevin Kunz

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