Brian Capacity

Ian at dragoncon.netdeletethis Ian at dragoncon.netdeletethis
Sun May 30 00:56:17 EST 1999

On 29 May 1999 10:58:11 GMT, chronocide at aol.commie.boy (Chronocide)

>>>  Okay, first of all we knew you were uneducated by your inability to
>>>demonstrate even basic spelling and grammar.  Don't use poor typing skills
>>>an excuse.  Most news server software is equipped with spell-checkers, and
>>>not, it isn't hard to use a third-party application such as MS Word and
>>>C&P (cut and paste).
>>Um..... would that be a real English spell checker as used by 1.5
>>billion of the world's population, or the dumbed down version you use?
>  Um, okay...  Listen Tonto; whatever you're talking about, and despite
>whatever great wit you seem to think you've demonstrated, there are no spelling
>errors in the passage you quoted, and most likely not in any of the rest of my
>previous post.  Maybe you should sober up and take a look at it again.
Hmmmm. No, I didn't think you would get it. Pity. 
>-Steve Christ


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