role of thalamus in intellectual development

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 28 18:06:07 EST 1999

Not sure if I got that right that there was oxygen lack around birth,
but if it hit the sequencer for rough motorics, it would amaze me if
not the off-ex-ing pattern had not struck the own areas and systems
the own areas use as well.
I'd regard it as weird if not.

Maybe just they did not or could not pay enough attention to details
in own cholinergic limbic areas and own areas externally used systems
to notice.

(I believe I theorized in here before about an internal off-lining and
killing pattern if there is not enough oxygen, and hate repeating
serious stuff requiring much systems data upcall like that one.)

> *If* you could repair damaged pathways through
>the thalamus, or encourage the brain to reroute them, could the
>increased sensory/information interchange lead to accelerated growth
>and/or development of the cerebral cortex and a correspondingly
>improved  intellectual function? 

I do not know which areas are cerebral cortex.

I had stuff in parts of my neocortex altered for more magic
perception, and transcopied me loads of restructuring data from other
brains reprogramming stuff in them for me for such within LSD akasha
surfing specialized forms for that.

Just that LSD is damaging so many systems that that is making some
pretty high damages in different sytems as well, and that with one
leaving childhood and becoming and adult in the transition pahse
between the two and till the hormone levels altered for adult  tht is
sort of out opf the wquestion anyway for me.

Some of the young adults when they are 14 here start to go for LSD for
oneself.  But I somehow do not believe that that is likely for your
daughter, and it is a dangerous path.

However should she get there, and if I am still alive at that point,
as long as she stays off hallucinating, can aim heer eyes at mine and
then try to take all "points" parallel and go down in axon activity,
and go very passively, I guess I could try to reprogram for how to go
"brainvampiring" with assenting victims on LSD and if her brain is
having the capacities for that eventually maybe even to an extent
sober.  But that is not something that you learn in one session for a
lot of the more serious aspects.  Within LSD teaching that is one of
the skills a bit alike what in Westie science energy knowledge in the
human brain is in neurology.
Thousands of ranges steerings within akasha surfing are necessary
before even getting half-way decent enough to aim into another human
brains systems and not beeing likely to cause damages there.
And I neveer heard of one into aiming for thalamus into another, and I
do not know if there is any brain on earth having the transfer ranges
for that.
Already what I am doing there is freaking rare.
However some of the normal borns into LSD who know little about magic
and want to know more can be brought to hold very still and sort of
borrow you central energy control, all the more if not targetting for
their own areas in the brain, which especially for some of the males
seems to be important.
When one plays around in their neocortex for a while with energies,
and then targets for them directly sort of announced, and then the
ones which are valuing their own privacy are starting to get thqt you
are leaving them alone and are just reprogramming around externally
and that it does not touch their own privacy in the brain to far,
might tolerate quite some extremes, also concerning experiments in
some of their heads systems.
In other words if having enough energy ranges for external shareware
areas in the neocortex from there to attempt to smurf to sequencers
systems  might be possible if really out for it and seeing to tuning
well enough tht thee others systems don't get too far damaged in the
I myself am scared to target energies at or near brainstem directly in
other brains so far, eveni iof I programmed magic communication with
external systems far enough that within some of the more "autist" more
segregated stages it does not seem overly tricky to me to aim a few
ranges there.
After Dag mentioned thalamus energy stuff here and I did not get why
it fascinated him, I tried to aim energies there in my head using the
help of a mirror for targetting. Might at some point try again on some
future trip.  As far as I recall the first time it took me ages, and
when I sort of got "lock-on-target" it was very short. But the energy
effects were fascinating enough taht I got why Dag is into that.
Before I usually had had no interest in aiming at seqeuncer stuff in
my head, nor am I sure that it is correct.

It does not seem as dangerous as brain stem, so it is not as much
taboo, but it is not shareware and I understand so little about the
sequencer, that I feel inhibited about aiming somewhere, where I do
not have the counter-readout to understand much about if I do damages
there and if so what sorts.

When I tried some other time to aim there, it stayed at trial and

Did not get it again.

Tried aiming at spine energies and smurfing upwards, tried going for
the eyes and occipital and trying to fuzz between and down a bit, too,
figuring that if I should get the brainstem in (which I did not
there), too, and have eye-nerves energies behind the eyes in the front
and occipital in the back and should manage to get brainstem stuff as
well, it should smurf me there eventually, 
and then tried going for the cerebellum where neither that nor me are
used to thata  and where I had the impression in what I was doing that
I have had more wise &h healthy ideas in my life,
... and though the attempts sucked for serious
and brought loads of other ffascinating results,
I did not get me neat "lock-on-target".

Usually even just to get me a few seconds of some of the tunings is
real hard, and my lack of patience is not seeming to improve the
skills of me MBD-tuning chaot considerably.

What I just wrote might not tell you much and maybe sound like
nonsense, but if she should ever learn what Carlos Castaneda in his
books refers to as "seeing", and get that a little it can be done with
a mirror into the brain, I do not exclude that she might find some of
that interesting.

I can not tell you the logic of that, but for some reason I believe
that I should mention that if one were to go from where the start
chakra is on top of the head sort of down to the sides a bit, there is
like downwards going whatever that is very much to do with sensory
stuff, and though my aiming skills for that could be better, there is
something to that that I find rather interesting.

I am not sure in the unlilkely case she'd eveer get what I referred
to, if that would be of the same interest to her.

BTW, if leaving areas of the own brain to another's energy control,
then they get data from there also making hardware alterations.

Also within LSD teachings there are different tunings, and what for me
is level 10 (where usually I am far from getting there, nor several
levels before that - real tricky internal focus arts and energy and
systems-cooperations shifts involved) alterations there of hardware
seem very high. 
To connect areas of the brain this way sucks for serious,
and even if ever managing that one it might be a bit tricky to find a
brain with non-MBD structures to transcopy from, all the more as in
the process the non-MBD brain might gete so many MBD tunings &
structuree changes, that the owner might not be exactly delighted
about it.

As long as  the face is still sort of visible and the transit to old
Second Face & all energies has not taken place yet, the restructuring
rates seem fairly low compared to some other stages, if the occipital
systems go for direct energy links on level three the hardware
alteration rate seems to catapult up to the extent that the other if
distrusting you might get worried for serious, till getting you are
leaving own areas pretty alone and mainly target neocortex shareware
akasha, and once reaching the sort of freak levels where it seems
necessary for me for them to LSD segregate enough systems inside (and
that's because it is so tricky) to reach enough internal areas
targetting powers to within me and the other go sector synching in a
special way, and if reaching the subatomics view of level nine, the
alterations of hardware seem to catapult up enormously, and the
systems strain of such powerful structur links is so freaking high,
that to hold connection-tunings for that one even just for several
minutes is extreme strain.  
This is usually never done, even among advanced practicers of magic,
and would be very exceptional.

Also if there is not eenough of the base structures left, I doubt even
if managing skills for transcopying and a victim holding still and
tuning along for that enough sessions to see to some more serious
structure changes, 
that that much could be repaired.

Might be totally wrong, but I believe that if just a bit of the base
structure is gone, there are good chances for transcopying quite a bit
for repair, but if nothing is left it does not work.

... Might be healthier to forget that I mentioned this stuff in the
first place.

To make connections in the brain where they are not supposed to be
might even be even more disturbing some sytems than what I just

>Would it be different for an adult?


But she should be short of adult now.

I left childhood and got adult with eleven, and for what you are
referring to 13-14.

There are hormone & time perception & processing & recording

Among adults there are differences again.

Oldest I ever went akasha surfing with for more serious was about 50.

I believe that if I were to try with a woman decades after 
period-stop  hormone  and other  alterations 
that would make differences, too.

Simplified compare the seriousness and speed of learning of a young
teeny and someone 36 and someone 86 years old.

> *If* you could repair damaged pathways through
>the thalamus, or encourage the brain to reroute them, could the
>increased sensory/information interchange lead to accelerated growth
>and/or development of the cerebral cortex and a correspondingly
>improved  intellectual function? 

...And seqeuncer intelligence is not own intelligence.
Don't follow the Westie error to generalize two thinkers of the rbian
as if there were zero differences between them.

The main intellectual function IMO is oneself and not the sequencer.

The seqeuncer can think to a limited extent, has own memory storing
capacities, can learn alone to a limited extent, etc.,
but mine never seemed to have arrived at 
"I sequence motoric subprograms, therefore I am".

I mentioned before that to me it makes sense that though I am not the
only consciousness/"I" nor the only thinker of the brain,
that I seem to be the only structures-cluster 
with consciousness/"I"  AND with thinking capacities.

Believe me that at times to try to get other systems to stop what it
is they are doing and get them to do what I want is tricky enough at
times  without another conscious thinker being around with whom to
have internal discussions.

As a race might not have come far if it were not so.

There are already enough suicides of people who abuse back-up with
newish frontal capacities to override and damage other systems ways
out of balances good for them.

If they'd leave more to the other main consiciousness and more to the
sequencer, they might have far less troubles.

Heard someone asking why stupid people tend to have less mental
problems than very intelligent ones, and thought that an internal look
at what it takes to be very intelligent to Westie standards should
lead to that the own areas are abusing systems quite far and ways away
from what is natural for them for a lot of that.

Running some new functions ways up and ignoring many of the medium and
old important ones  is not necessarily a sign of wisdom.

I cannot recall faces usually and am bad in remembering ways,
and with me the own sytems and some I use seem more damaged to me
than sequencer ones.

If own capacities are there for such, maybe to go co-sequencing could

However I have no idea what it would be like if the sequencer was
damaged for serious. I mainly tend to do it when I took drugs and the
sequencer for me is excused for messing up, and then I more lurk
around in the fig. background and whenever it messes up seem to
connect more and tell what I want and sort of thunder out orders for
that so that usually it does not take long till the sequencer gets the
hang of stuff alone again. Usually I do not need to make such long,
and then stuff works by itself again, or to be more precise the
sequencer cares for it alone and I do not seem to need to dock with it
but off-line to whatever it is that interests me at that point.

Alone the mere idea of having to stay connected with it and go co
sequencing for long is short of initiating showers of boredom and
strain ahead impressions.

Also the problem is that I might go verbal out loud for such stuff, if
no nasty norm-sheep are around, as then it seems to go even better. 

Going too impatient might mess up precision.

If I name the sequences in sort of a bored exasperated but accepting
and a rather forceful way, and then stay till it works and withdraw
and sort of hang on till the next stuff gets stuck and then hammer out
the next sequences, if necessary one at a time, repeating it like a
parrot if the sequencers systems are to drugged to get it  and I
suspect stuff in the motor cortex is so drugged that the sequencer
does not seem to be able to use it to concentrate for long sequencing
It is short of utterly boring, and if my sequencer would dare to go
for that when sober I'd probably get hell's impatient for having to be
docked with it (and straining external data) for processing something
as boring and straining at that, but when it is my fault that the
seqeuncers systems can't function like usully, after maybe a short
surge of impatience I usually realize that it is my fault and that
therefore it would not be correct to grump at it, but that I should
aid it.

Just the idea to not just do it when I maybe took 7 trips in a night
and the sequencer starts to have some more problems than it is used
to, or just to do it more often after some concussion for four months,
but to have to do it a lot of time every day for years sounds like
sucking big time.

Often if something is wrong if I sort of ask inside what to do, I
know, and sometimes other stuff turns to my systems and asks about
something and wants me to decide in this.

(Stupid and differing example, at a bit more than 38 o C I might get
request for up or down. If I do nothing, other systems decide, if I
steer for down then with a cold it might mean its going to be there
for some weeks "in the background", if I steer for up, then with a
cold it tends to be gone within two days. 
So then I can decide up or down or leave it to other systems.

To steer up or down without having been asked for such first I do not
consider as wise.

When asked I consider it more wise to to follow the request, decide
and see to a decent enough steering for my decision till I can cease
that and do not need to bother anymore and it runs O.K. enough without
me centrally steering.)

The own areas as a central energy selector and a central priority
giver have and can program them hell of a lot of systems steering
powers, but if such is wise is another question.

A lot of my powers into other systems for me seem meant as auxiliary

Many of them I do not use, and do not want to use.
I do not even understand what  many of the systems where I have
alteration powers are doing exactly and what what I send there is
altering in them and what that means. 

With trouble I might favour alikes with the old hiccup strategy model.

One of the fastest ways I know to get rid of them is to aim a bit
below the sternum more inside  till I got where it sucks,
and then hold central focus to there in a certain way and sort of
order the stuff there to make itself what it needs so this disappears.

Whatever it is down there is not really going central control then
like me could, but I am a central control and if I order the rest to
heed what where I target is wanting, then usually the hiccup is gone.
Unless I mess up with the way I need to concentrate for that, or too
fast go on gobbling down food and beverages and giggle around with
friends in between; then it might be back fast.

This hicccup principle to me with exceptions seems a rather neat one.

If you give the system that is injured sort of central tuning power
support also for other sytems as long as it does not mess up too much,
it might program itself what it needs.

While if I tell it to do stuff though it is not working right already
and I do not really understand it well either, I might disturb it

As referred to before, with MBD neocortex stuff I got me some stuff in
ways that are to do with LSD, but that is more something for MBD LSD
yourney(wo)men into brain akasha, and not really something for sense
censored Westie normal borns to understand.
Nor is it healthy.

Apart from that might there not be the question 
that even in the unlikely case someone showed you how to alter systems
in another's
> brain to reroute 
maybe rather unnaturally
in the attempt to achieve an
>improved  intellectual function
(the generalizing showing that you are not even far enough in basics
systems' understanding to have gotten much concerning them)

if it is correct to wish to alter another's hardware and being.

Intellectual function, as you put it, is centrally to do with the own
systems. To me it seems you are implying that the other must be
altered  so you get what you want,
alike some psychiatrist declaring anothers hardware the own and
messing around and damaging in systems not understood
and systems connected with those.

I do not notice that she is writing here.

If she centrally decides that something sucks, and centrally wants it
different, she might herself get her data that she is interested in
and chose her own alteration ways.

I did not meet an MBD yet who perferred Westie stuff over magic.
To the opposite, I am exceptional in having a random interest in some
neuro stuff as well.

Telepathy is the gateway into other brains, and some MBD brains in
their weirdness are a gateway for some into magic to understand more
about the brain.

I do not know about where you are from, but here in Berlin and in
northern America there seem to be enough where there is a powerful
orientation towards magic, while I never met another with MBD with a
powerful orientation into neurology.

Neurologists can babble and cut and maim,
psychiatrists can drug and maim,
telepaths who are good enough can teach you how to get access into
other brains and get you understanding and alteration data.

Also what you do here is typical, someone else talking to some neuro.
MBDs usually to not talk to neuros.

A neuro might make jokes on that verbal capacities might be
handicapped, insist on that nothing is to be taken serious till
proven, give the other the impression to because not being able go
make coherent sentences or having very limited frontal and own
capacities to be alike with their "patients" classified categories of
lesser value, etc.
Practicers of magic might accept the other like another even human
being with a bizzare, fascinating brain, and both might get
interesting data and go for bizarre, fascinating experiments, where
some of  them might be the first and only ever run in the history of
the universe in this.

You probably think it nonsense snd hallucination, but IMO what here is
referred to as autist-schizo links and some other links between weird
brains tend is not just interesting for some alive humans into magic,
but some not of Earth as well, and some of the others (though more
magic smurfs than MBD smurfts  ;-)  seem to like them around.

I do not exclude that there is quite some to be gotten from some of
them as well.
I can't really explain that, though, as that is too far out Westie
stuff (and also not for other reasons). I figure if you know some of
the others a little or humans who are to do with them you probably got
what I was referring too, and if not, likely it will just sound like
nonsense to you anyway.
Apart from that I am not  (nor so far want) much to do with such. 

... Anyway, if into rerouting, start in your own brain, and if you
can't, maybe rather do not want stuff you do not even understand much
about for others. 
And if you can rerout a lot with neat enough precision in many areas
of your head anbd body, not all that you reprogram in your head and
body is correct for anothers systems.

If I were to reroute me stuff between me and  basolateral amygdala on
LSD, sort of doing a limbic short-wiring, some others might go insane
and psychologically unstable to the extreme if having attempts at this

Someone with MBD might let me reprogram hardware in outer neocortex
stuff in his brain and watch the way of someone MBD being used to
internal perceiving enough and used to altering around in his brain to
telepathic codes of others enough, that it might be more like someone
watching me take his hands and play with his fingers.
Someone not MBD within first akasha surfing stuff might get rather
panicky when getting informed by systems that there were just some
major hardware alterations in them that I caused.

What is O.K. for one and where he is at ease with that or even finds
it fascinating,
can be wrong for another.

With some brains I can tune to where there are quite some artificial
ranges increased, with others not.

If you do not even have the sensitivity to know with non-MBD brains
what to program into them and what not, 
to contemplate something for an MBD brain where many of the
differencees are not even understoood and where so far I did not see
major interest in such expressed of the owner here,
and that in the transit years from childhood to adulthood,
sounds a bit odd to me.

After leaving childhood many young women reach sort of magic high
and once the hormone levels settled more, there tends to be a late
teenies aimed learning powers if really out for knowing something.

If a teeny looks for own ways to go after segregating off parents with
many bio-programs at the end of childhood,
if to alter oneself inside to other hardware is among that,
she might find her ways to the people who know about this herself, or
some of them might find to her if she is public enough about that.

I told who first taught me about magic perceiving very openly that I
want him to alter me stuff in my brain, though not in my own areas,
and seemed to find part of what I wanted there a bit strange, but
tried some stuff for me also where he was not used to doing that with
others, and in many areas was very tolerant that I am a bit
handicapped in a lot and cannot do there like average peoiple do.
He is telepath enough to sense my frustration about that directly

If someone for the same stuff had told me that I MUST alter own
systems there, I might have considered that so possessive, that just
to annoy him I might have seen to a few systems alterations alike "you
can wait for that till mildewed for good and it won't be there".

The own interest in such is a center key.

Unrealistic expectations or pushings might be more burdens.

All the more of someone not even having understood major differences
between own areas and the sequencer yet, nor likely to find out many
of them.

>>Could you give examples of what does not seem to work (...)
>> especially movement sequences supervision ?

>The paediatric neurologist who assessed her reported:(...) essential disability (...)
> to organise and properly execute intended movements and (...)
>to co-ordinate automatic movements".

The neuro smurf said "her" and you quote "her"
and IMO, apart from that the own centers are it and sexual main
differentiation areas are elseplace, the seqeuncer is it as well.

There are thingies where neuro and normal borns are so off-shit, thata
IMO one could go for a year that the seqeuncer is not the own areas
and that neither the own areas nor the seqeuncer are she or he, and
there'd be little point in it.
Unless saying what one knows about it, so maybe neuros can stick
trodes into other mammals kept prisoners and slice around some more
to satisfy their greed for knowledge
based on such better.

Apart from that...

>> especially movement sequences supervision 

>to co-ordinate automatic movements"

...there are simply thingies where it is pretty hard to explain what
one knows about them to someone who never has had the scenes on the
space-ship in the daydream real neat, some of the emotion generators
hammering around and sort of off-feeding part of subprogram needs, 
to be catapulted out and find the seqeuncer be poking around with the
wrong key in a keyhole, after one has been telling it umpteen times
which is the right key.
To get the emotion generator settings and the scene back to where they
were is something short of impossible.
Argl-grgl-uaarrrgh!!!! however for Westies is not as a scientific
terms to describe just how much this sucks, about the degree of
patience when hammering into the sequencer what one wants with the
request  that, though admittedly keys and keyholes are not there in
nature, to get modern enough to get the motoric seqeuncing for that
alone and not dare to interrupt with something as boring as selecting
the right key out of a bunch of them on a ring,
and to then soon be buzzing off again and leave the seqeuncer with
instructions for what to see to next  alone in central navigation for
quite a while again.

...Guessing let me put the answer to rerouting that way:
If connections between own cholinergic areas and sequencer center
structures of the brain via the fornix 
due to damages in the thalamus could notgive sequencer command powers
like  non-MBD brain might have,
where do you wish to reroute?
If you show me how to aim from your areas targetly via the nucleus
accumbens towards striata stuff, targettly access an area between the
own and the sequencers areas in the frontal cortex and then reroute
stuff from there into the motor cortex and from there to other
sequencer strucures (thalamus, striata),
and explain to me how you did reroute from the cholinergic limbic
system to the cerebellum,
you might get some folks I know here in Berlin to be rather interested
in going akasha surfing with your brain.
Some of them might even be able to tell you if it is wise to transfer
such into the systems of someone with MBD or might be talked into
supervising transfers.

Till that millenium I wish you merry practicing
or wise other decisions.


BTW, how does she like improvising around on one of them piano-like
thingies with loads of different settings for intersting different

In music what we call h is b in English, is it?

__________  = later on pedal right if smurfable.

a a a a  g g g g  a a a a  g g g g ....  


a a a a  g g g g  f f f f  g g g g    a a a a......


a     a     a     a        g    g   g   g     f   f   f   f

A____________     G________     F_______ 

 g    g   g   g       a   a   a   a  

 G________        A________       


   c     c     c     c        b   b   b   b    a  a  a  a
a     a     a     a        g    g   g   g     f   f   f   f

(A____________     G________     F_______ )

      b   b   b   b      c   c   c  c
    g    g   g   g     a   a   a   a  

 G________        A________         


  c     c     c     c         b   b   b   b      a  a  a  a
 b     b     b     b        a   a   a   a      g  g   g  g  
a     a     a     a        g    g   g   g     f   f   f   f

(A____________     G________     F_______ )

        b   b   b   b      c   c    c   c
      a    a   a   a      b  b    b  b   
    g    g   g   g     a   a   a   a  

 G________        A________    

Left hand:

   A  A  A  A     A  A  A  A       G G G G        F      
A   A  A   A    A  A  A  A      G G G G    ...  (F...


(Maybe also 8:)

  E   E    E   E     D D D D   C C C C     D D D D  E...

A   A   A   A      G G G G   F F F F      G G G G    A...


And if not having gotten stuck before, then one starts the right hand
with the simple ones and the with the more tricky one again.

If the left hand does not want to get far, one can try to just make
one A and hit the gas pedal to keep the tone  till finding out where
the a is with the right hand, and maybe make some more tones.

And then repeat this with G.

Also straight A  to  F  and back  might sound O.K. for some.

If one gets bored, one can transform the stuff for 

C (down)  G (up)   a (down) F (up) a.

If liking it to get a bit more tricky after the 

a G F (G) a 

load of the start
one can hop up to d down to 

half a tone above a

to C (up)
(or g minor (down) and a or A)

and back to d.

A little excurse to F and then g 
might be neat if one ever figures out to get back 
eventually to the a sequence.

Emotion stuff can program sequencer stuff once far enough.

If she can hit a keyboard on the computer, it should be possible if
writing the letters for the notes onto a keyboard to get the hang of
that as well a little bit.

There are some sound-settings where even just single tones might be
rather neat.

With the one I just wrote I like to plague my neighbours, as it does
not take me much thinking and can be run for long times with some more
complicate forms and in many variations.

c             a 

e             c

     A             F 
  E   A        C  C
A             F          ...


(One can also go down to  d  and then to  e or E

or at stuff before from G to e 

and loads of other versions.)

For people faster in the up-take to let them find a load of A
and then a load of G on a piano or alike version of such,
show them how to hit the gas pedal and takee the foot off when going
to another tone for basics,

and once the got how to get the A and G jumps left and right hand to
tell them 

to try variations on "a" with the right hand a-c 

                                                             c  c  b b

(acac, caca, abcabc abcba,cbacba... a  a  a a )

or on  a-c-e 

might do so they fast get how to improvise.

a  G a G

a G F G a

a F a  F

C G a F (G) a ...

... might not be to the taste of all, but they have the advantage,
that the black ones do not come in that fast if following the
mentioned patterns,
and understanding of some major and minor differences are not that


When getting into puperty around the age of 14 when the hormones are
still irregular in the start there can be powerful music flashs in
women, and it might be fun to try to improvise around.

Headphones or regulation of how loud the stuff is might also make it a
more private affair.

Some of those with MBD if not discouraged in the start get to weird
forms of music.
Last I heard was of one who did not seem like he ever learned to read
a note, more like hitting tones and having noticed what happens, and
having weird segregating powers for seperate hand control instructions
where I doubt I could get those.

Even if not getting far 
remains of the sequencer, oneself and emotion generator inputs might
help to steer in stuff like I mentioned..

Endorphine releases after tone sequences one likes
might be better teaching than someone harping around on that one has
to practice making up for the seqeuncer.

In other words if finding some decent enough e-piano with neat tones
and headpnone use possible  second hand or cheap enough  that if she
should not like it its not too much of a waste of money, when she
turns 14 if I were you and were to worry about her sequencer  maybe
that'd be something to contemplate for birthday present.

And I might really write the letters of the tones onto the thingie.
So one just needs to look for A  or another one and spot the letter,
and that way might be faster with the start.

To write all the As fat with one colour, G with another, F another,
and the rest less obvious, might go easier along with the teaching
system mentioned above.

A fast start-off might make it more fun than having to seek which
button to press for ages.

Full moon in the window...  I better smurf off.

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