Bla to John-Alvin and other bla.

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 28 18:06:05 EST 1999

>How can this mean anything to me, if I really don't feel anything at all?

What "this", "me" you yourself directly or connected with part or many
other systems in the head and maybe body? & Define "feel".
Direct example might be easier understood than generalized vagueness,
though I am not sure if there was anything serious to that question at
all  and if to take it serious at all.

An example:
If "feel" was meant for emotions but for many other informations the
own areas in the brain get,
and the own areas are to do just with very few emotions while the two
main emotion generators with thousands,
it might be that though the own emotional reaction is rather low or
one does not pay much or no attention to signals, one of the emotion
generators or several of them and/or other systems do.
If substance outputs would be altered in response, 
the stuff could make alterations in your systems.

But maybe some are not noticing it well enough or do not count such or
registration sabout alterations to do with other systems they share
the head with  as feeling something, 
as their own basic attitudes about the triggering whatever(s) 
are rather devoid of emotions.

Someone else might call all alterations in the own systems (and maybe
also in others) as feeling alterations.


Did you just feel anything when reading this and getting the meaning
or not?

In order to get it to where you are in the head, there probably were
quite a number of alterations, just if all would refer to these as
"feeling anything" I am not sure. 


I am not sure if it was anything alike this you were referring to.
To be a bit more specific at times might help in case one is serious
about a question..


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