Size of brain and size of skull

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 28 18:06:03 EST 1999

>Its pointless having a larger brain if you die during birth, probably killing your
>mother in the process.
I had believed that a baby skull is soft and that where the fissures
are it hardens later.

... To the questioner: Maybe read a bit about cultures altering the
skull shapes of babies.

;-) Or ask pygmies who seem like they won't live much longer  if you
pay them if after death you can cut around in their heads, or
something like that.

Someone I know has the back of his head sort of more flat and the head
looking strange that way & often strong headaches.
Probably because there was trouble in the birth process.

Maybe with some other of the people where such was so one could find
out more. Maybe you could ask them if you can use neuro imaging

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