>> Okay, first of all we knew you were uneducated by your inability to
>>demonstrate even basic spelling and grammar. Don't use poor typing skills
>>an excuse. Most news server software is equipped with spell-checkers, and
>>not, it isn't hard to use a third-party application such as MS Word and
>>C&P (cut and paste).
>>>Um..... would that be a real English spell checker as used by 1.5
>billion of the world's population, or the dumbed down version you use?
Um, okay... Listen Tonto; whatever you're talking about, and despite
whatever great wit you seem to think you've demonstrated, there are no spelling
errors in the passage you quoted, and most likely not in any of the rest of my
previous post. Maybe you should sober up and take a look at it again.
>And while I think I can phrase most of a question in single syllable
>words, for the really technical stuff I may need to use a few 2
>syllable ones. Will you be able to cope with this, or should I submit
>the questions in the form of a cartoon and include a set of crayons?
Good. I'm glad you've mastered monosyllabic words enough that you feel
comfortable trying out your two-syllable vocabulary. Actually, you've already
exceeded my expectations for your vocabulary, though I won't count on this to
reflect future performance.
If you really feel you need to revert back to your trusty crayons, then
you'll have to find a different forum. Though this may be a shock to you,
Usenet doesn't support crayon scribblings just yet.
>More pretentious, gratuitous drivel snipped
Well thank you for saving us from whatever else you were going to post.
This has been another off-color presentation by
-Steve Christ