Memes of Mind.Forth AI

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Fri May 28 10:45:22 EST 1999

For lack of any sufficiently developed alternative Theory of Mind
(Cyc, SOAR, ACT-R theorists et al. please post contraindications),
designation as the default Unified Theory of Cognition is claimed
for the Chomskyan mind-design found in two codes of Mind.Forth AI.

http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/aisource.html Thurs.28.May.1998 Mind.-
Forth is a non-contagious archival version as critiqued in the ACM
SIGPLAN Notices 33(12):25-31 (1998) with emphasis on future plans.

http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html  Internet
Web Release #26+ is memetically dangerous, infectious source code
which threatens to morph into the self-replicating Singularity of
http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/vinge/vinge-sing.html Vinge.

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ The (Default) Standard Mind Model /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\           ________              /  auditory   \
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \            |    memory     |
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/------------|-------------\ |
|   ___|___     |       |     |                 |    _______  | |
|  /image  \    |     __|__  / \  _______       |   /stored \ | |
| / percept \   |    /     \/   \/ Verbs \------|--/ phonemes\| |
| \ engrams /---|---/ Nouns \    \_______/      |  \ of words/  |
|  \_______/    |   \_______/-------------------|---\_______/   |

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