(SKIP to most)
ken collins <kenpc at banet.net> wrote:
>but because the stakes are so awesomely-high (and because there's
>been such huge "counteractivity" for the better part of two
Must have escaped me here, unless you refer to most having given up to
reply unless at times trying to tell you to shut up,
to then get the futility with that and the waste of time as they
seemed to have the wisdom to get with me.
> i'll wait until i can work devotedly,
If I were to wait till I get the working morale to for a long time
work devotedly I'd likely first be a fossilized skeleton
with spiderwebs around in a world where humans nuked and
bacterialized themselves off aeons ago.
>do you understand?
No. Guess I do not take me and you and others in this room and other
places and a lot of other stuff serious enough for that.
> i'm in debt.
There's that tricky with worrrk. It sucks. But it can see to getting
out of debt and also to give you the finances to publish your stuff
Hanging too much in front of the computer in rooms like this might not
be that compatible with getting a job and being awake enough when at
> i work all day just to stay alive.
A lot of people tend to do so, though maybe not all day, but 8 hours 5
days or 6 hours 6 days a week or something like that.
Food does not tend to grow in the fridge by itself, there (especially
when having been away for enough days) rather other stuff might grow.
>my library is in disarray from having to move around so
There you see the advantage of not having one. ;-)
And that of autistic aversion against such moving.
Someone I was baby-sitting for as a teeny had these wooden boxes with
the backs to the wall, about 6x5 stacked up to make a shelve, that
when moving should come in rather handy. Also when wanting to add
>i need the opportunity to continue in the way that AoK is
Are you sure about that?
>the stuff of every sentence tightly cross-correlated
>with the stuff of every other sentence...
Errare humanum est ...
Ever regarded this method under that aspect?
>the unification magnified... =everything= thoroughly substantiated by
>reproducible experimental results.
Sorry dude, ...just your error rate beats even Frankie going off
theorizing at times.
Since you like your unexplained irxtlwrrkses, here some of my terms:
Before the concussion I was level 9 track 4 brainsurfer,
and though I never had the capacities of some of the giga-brainsurfers
who are on the verge-line pof mental handicap for serious and then pop
steerable blocker drugs and go brain surfing for brainsurfing and not
for private reasons like me tended to do back then, it is not like I
did not get thousands of emotional programs and lots of relations and
my own share of weird autist games in the brain and reprogramming
games and other stuff. I used to go short of full autist back then and
I can tell for lots of people of different branches if they rant off
about some of the areas where I smurfed around if they are currently
just b.s.ing or are generalizing over non-understood stuff and that
often full of errors.
Some of your stuff in here was plain wrong,
there was one that was two sectors off-shot,
there were questions where it was obvious that your internal access to
that sector probably did not cover even just a few hundred emotional
bioprograms and that you never got far in understanding some of the
relations of that one to some others either; you are sense censored,
you are not getting some of the most simple basics of telepathy,
you are generalizing different areas and functions of the brain to the
extreme, etc.
Sorry for hopping around on it, as I usually do not enjoy annoying you
like I do with some of the nerds in here, but sometimes get a little
more realistic.
If the MBD LSD front is already telling you so,
maybe take that more serious.
Some of your stuff is correct and further than some stuff of what I
read of neurology, but a lot is plain wrong or ways too generalized
and shows lacking understanding of the brain in many areas on many
And nothing against own wordings; I had named different areas in
brainsurfing also long before someone annoyed me with that I did not
know the neuro names for them so that I looked some of their terms up
(and afterwards still preferred mine) (apart from that he was not good
enough in neuro to get theirs, either), ... and I met enough other
brainsurfers using own namings.
Just while with them I tend to get them fast enough I find it
interesting that with you I do not.
So if I say sequencer and someone else says autopilot
and some neuro goes off about the thalamus and cooperation with the
striata and connections to the motor cortex, etc.,
then the other brainsurfer and I both might get enough about what is
while with you I currently can not even think of your irxtlwrrkses and
theories about that.
Where another brainsurfer and I might just swap sector/function data
rather rapidly, the way you might make a forwards movement with two
"walking" fingers pointing downwards and say go / geh / ma(shi) /
yalla and the other might get fast what you mean, with you such
effects do not tend to take place.
Your sector/function descriptions tend to be so utterly bad or vague,
that the fast "counter-identification" very often does not tend to
take place.
With a lot of the neuro terms I never bothered to waste time to bother
to learn their irxtlwrrsing, and yet even with a full load of them if
it is an area where I have enough internal data, it quite often tends
to match up so I roughly get what they are irxtlwrrksing anbd
theorizing about. Some of the brainsurfers even point at their head
and say roughly how deep inside or describe from the own limbic areas
how to focus where and how then, so that it is like a sequencer of
focus instructions, where even if one does not manage all of that, it
is still like a passage ways and maybe functions reprogramming
description through parts the brain.
You keep it general and hazy or terms where the meaning is not
straight obvious in the words, and if for a change it is not so vague
that one could think you are utterly headblind and did not get far in
Westie neuro nor telepathy nor other ways to access inner data,
and if you do get more precise, then often it is wrong.
There are enough erratic theories in here of the neuros, that it does
not really matter much if there are a few more.
But while people like Dag for me seem to need that it are not several
consciousnesses and not several areas able to think, so they can go on
abusing the prisoners of other mammal kinds they keep and declare them
non-persons, and so some have a way to believe they go on to exist
after death for ages,
with you I did not even get the need to generalize into vague haziness
like the neuros might with singularized consciousness, mind, THE
memory other erratic generalizings.
If you like to go on with it, it should not amaze you if you get
rather ignored.
If more hopping around in a room where gross sickos go on about
abusing others and being against that and most of the time with a lot
having zero interest they get the own opinions where in the unlikely
case some'd take them serious maybe some'd abuse such their prisoners,
that would sound familiar enough to me,
but if claiming you have an interest to go on publicly about your
theories and then not getting far enough to translate your stuff neat
enough into a language that is either neuro enough or simple enough
for common understanding,
then that does not sound very convincing.
But more like you try to hide the errors in your theories.
>if there's no opportunity to just get on with this work, then all
>i've to offer is the hypertext version of AoK,
Would be net if you could put it in here so that for a change one gets
what you are referring to.
But I guess you will find a reason why not.
>which, i =Beg= you to =Forgive me=, is, as it stands,
>the most-significant thing
>that's been done in the History of Science.
Thou art graciously partially forgiven thy Capitalized theories about
;-) as of course parts my works are are THE most significant thing
that's been done in the History of Earth concerning some stuff in the
brain, so marvellour standing out within all of the universe in past,
present and future, that only the invention of the gummy bear
outshadows my glory.
... Man, and I thought it was me who popped a trip too many.
As a good old LSD-megalomaniac I start to get worried thou mighst try
to out-megalomaniac me for serious.
>i do not relent from doing what i can,
I am pretty good in evading that.
As the Reincarnation of the Goddess of Laziness
in one of my Earthly lifes to reminds me just how much worrrk sucks
I would not want to go too far.
>but i'm working at a "level"
Which "level"?
>that'd not communicate if i just did a "brain dump"...
What is a brain dump?
At times my English is rather limited.
First meaning for dump popping up is Muelkippe,
but that might more refer to the for me common degree of tidiness of
my noble residency.
>i'll continue, in this way, while i wait for a roof near a Library,
I got the single words, but not the meaning.
What is a roof near a library good for (your purposes)?
> food,
I guess I'd figure if I were to wait for food,
I'd be starved before it decides to open the door and come in by
itself, and even if it did, I might lack the Klingon mentality to go
for it.
My chosen profession is not one where you can hang yourself a sign
over the door here and make money with it without our Martians
(referring to their green uniforms) being likely to come and make
So it is not something to get with with or go too public about.
Since I did not get the fairy tale trick yet of turning monopoly money
into a wished for currency, if I start to get too low on money I tend
to kick myself to worrrk.
If that is just short and I am not sure when the next money will be in
sight, I might get me enough cheap rice and noodles, canned food and
some other stuff to last for a while from a cheap shop. And some soup
powders, so that the noodles or the rice can go into single sorts of
them or mixes and several loads of that in smaller portionss spiced
different ways, so it does not get too boring.
...Not to forget heart-attack preparing diets of a lot of delicious
and cheap enough chocolate sorts in this land.
Apart from such among my friends it tends to be custom that if one is
low on money (and it is not just because he is to lazy to move his
arse out of bed at 4-7 a.m. and go job hunting and then do the job
when he has it, but instead prefers to spend his time with stuff more
interesting) that then for a while it is O.K. to help the other out
with food for a while.
Some tended to come here around midnight often when he was low on food
for fridge raiding. When in the past an aquaintance of mine in the
north once was not sure if me and my partner then without a job had
enough she sent a parce with food, and I had the impression if I had
not said that we are doing O.K. enough there might have been more
parcels following.
If your friendships are any good food should be shared.
I'd have to be hells low on food or would have to have someone sponge
on food the way that I believe he is rather spending his time with
stuff more interesting than work and leeching on me before I'd
outright refuse any to a friend where I get (s)he's real hungry.
And if someone and I are both pretty low on money and food we might go
off together looking for a job.
Once I went with a friend to West Germany for 8 weeks and we did some
job there, and me old CITIzen first came to know village life a little
better, and then I was on a camping ground together with other
students from many lands (interesting conversations) working in that
factory in holdidays, and a lake behind the tent place to go swimming
when the wether was warm and have fun in in part of the free time.
Was rather interesting, and now I know how some parts of VW cars are
made. ;-)
Just try to say, if you re low on food, why don't you sponge of
friends where maybe some of them sponged from you before till you get
a job, and if not getting a job why not trying for one in another
place and gather some experience points till you got enough money to
stack up enough food lasting for some months that that should not be
the problem.
I just do not get why you are wasting so much time in here
if you really were to lack food.
That would sound rather crazy to me.
This room is seems less fun than even watching
throwing rubber chickens in a Monty Python film, and the accuracy of
theories may be lower in hitting the target.
People like Grrr or Norman or some of the others with weird data can
be worth for me hanging around, and when them folks irxlewrrks one
gets what their are busy with and where their branch in comparison to
some others of Earth.
If keeping vague tracks of different folks at times that can be
But I do not get the fanatism, except for fun.
If someone were to point at a brain map and tell them where they
themselves are, maybe also magically for who wants run neat transfers
and if Mr.NotThere could give them all the data there is of Earth
about it, and then they'd go on finding theories why they are better
than other mammal kinds and why what they did and are going to do with
them with the new data is O.K.,
why it are not consciousnesses in the plural,
and like little maniacs babble scire, scire.
Maybe in the future if some seriously starts to use their energy
ranges to satellite control what is going one and babbles
scire, scire referring to centrally registering before private
thoughts, and buzzing them a few when generating the wrong ones, they
might start to regret the scire scire a little, but I guess not for
serious till the advertisers start to make negotiations among each
other who'll get which broadcasting times for/on what brain ranges,
and they wake up in the morning head abuzz with the according stuff.
>... my needs are Simple.
Mine, too. Some billion dollars, a few special spaceships and common
ships, access to any place on Earth, some totally own islands and
other places and maybe eternal youth and heath, or at least as long
as I want that.
And that a current neighbour's ventilator mystically goes off from
where it is and up her a...
> (please don't tell me to send out more letters, to fill out more forms,
And I thought I could get you to fill out the following form
1. Theorize on connections between being that much in here
and not having a job making enough money.
2. Theorize on connections between vulturing around own, partially
wrong theories and being low on food at times and seeming to have the
friendships so that such is no serious problem.
3. Theorize on why one can tell you that something is wrong, and it is
wrong, and you are finding parroted remarks liking standing one
something as if flattened your errors would be more correct.
4. Theorize on the disability to make fun or yourself.
5. List where you are in life, what you want, and realistic ways not
depending on others aid how to get there,
and go them till you maybe figure that that was not hat you wanted
after all.
1001. Glue the results to your loo wall or into a cupboard door or
some place like that
... But actually your control over rank fighting programs is good
and in wisdom a mountain higher than the lacking of me
and a few others in this room in such.
>"the workman is worth his wages", no?
Depends on the workman.
If he were to sit in front of the computer in his spare time till late
at night and labyrinth of till lost in own theories beyond the ability
to be more self-critical and more perceptive of reality again,
then tired in the morning and not conceentrated doing his job,
having megalomania and believing that his stuff, though lots of people
told him that that is not so, is the greates of all science, though
obviously not even knowing all science nor known by science and maybe
having had a few articles refused or criticized for errors,
...and that way being being ways less good in the job than someone
having slept enough and being centrally focussed up it would be,
then maybe he is not worth much wages.
> ...especially when the wages are multiplied and given back in-toto, no?
I do not know what in-toto means.
Did not get the reference.
>>Cijadrachon wrote:
>>>> (SKIP to most.)
>>>> ... I believe not,
>> apart from that if mentioning something here
>> if someone asks about it you might not die to either say
>> you won't explain or to do so.
>>>> I seriously did not get at all what you mean with amygdalar inversion.
>>>> Also not what is exactly referred to with cognition.
>>>> >that, unless the cycle of abdicating cognition to
>>>> >amygdalar inversion
>> ?
>> >(...) it's
>> >all a Dead-End... literally.
Some seem to be deciding so.