Sure man, and next my heads consciousnesses are furthered by the front
half of the cingulate gyrus, the occipital cortex, my left little toe
and my bladder.
I believe you are understanding something else under consciousness
than me. The English term seems a bit different from the German term
Bewusstsein ("aware being", tending to be connected with perceving
onself in aware form, being an "I").
Might be due to that.
Simplified my sequencer nor its external sytems in the upper frontal
cortex have "I".
The sequencer can think, but not far enough to get to
I think / I seqence, therefore I am.
Sorry, but maybe you have not traced my opinions about such in
bionet.neuroscience in the last year, and I am not into repeating all
I said there. Nor into someone neither MBD nor termed "autist" trying
to tell me which of the systems mine share the head with from now on
are to be conscious.
Feel free to believe what you want.
(Just don't expect that I believe it.)