role of thalamus in intellectual development

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed May 26 14:43:17 EST 1999

>The paediatric neurologist who assessed her reported: "interpretation
>of her motor examination is that her 

>essential disability is the inability to organise and properly execute 
>intended movements and also to co-ordinate automatic movements".

The sequencer is supervising the proper execution of motoric

Even if I drugged systems far enough that the sequencer gets stuck and
I go co-sequencing, usually the sequencer is still doing the main work
and me is more sort of lurking around in the background so that not
too close drugged messing around while the sequencer is doing its
stuff is seeing to more errors, and only when it gets stuck  I shortly
tell it what to do, and then withdraw again.
I suppose it would suck big time if one had to see to all the
sequencing oneself, apart from that I am not sure my systems would
have the capacities for that.  Guess also I'd get bored to the extreme
if I had to do even just that often, and probably at times also highly

Though I feel that mine and sequencers systems are sort of auxiliary
systems for each other to an extent, that extent is limited.
I do not think that one of us could take over all the tasks for the
other.  To a very limited form the sequencer can see to some stuff
that might be more my jurisdiction and I can care for part pof the
stuff that I regard as its jurisdiction, but such to me seems limited.

I guess with me the sequencer often is sort of rather alone and I am
pretty off-lines of it, and it has to manage a lot without me.
Or in other words it does not amaze me that many who are called
"autists" seem to want to have all in the same place, so that the
sequencer can find it  and be in central navigation control alone.

Maybe if you read a bit about "autism" you find some data sort of the
other way around. Sequencer being in central control and own centers
smurfing off-lines to  with a few other areas  run own stuff inside or
with "pretty limited channel-diversity-multitude" also more outside.

>There is severe speech difficulty. 

I once tried to speak without the language structurer (Broca's ...)
and probably a load of other areas, and getting the motorics for the
sounds reminded me of being quite more drunk than is healthy and

>She can understand more than she can speak or sign.

(With me that is the other way around. As likely did not escape folks
in here I might be pretty good at babbling people to death, but
up-take sucks.)

> Health is good and life expectancy (with appropriate care) is normal.

I did not mean the tale literally in that area, but more that comapred
to more serious aspects many smaller ones might get far less

Simplified if you knew 100% that you were going tomorrow at dusk, then
what would (not) be important to you "?"

With the realization of the limitation of life different importance
might be given to many aspects. 
I did not really mean to refer to that some of us MBD do not get old.

And I do not believe that for MBD end of childhood and turning adult
is the typical age to die, unless with some maybe the suicide
contemplation time that quite a number of young adults are going
through before they reach the age where by nature they would have

If a prent is worrying over a child a child might be sensitive to that
and that way have a less good time
than if the parent would not do so.

Feelings of success might boost connection numbers and capacities,
and in someone being made to feel to deficient decrease of some
structures could be.

> hearing problem (see below). 
Read, but did not understand it.
I did not understand if the hearing or the relay was messed up.
But my meemory systems are not that good  and I am too lazy now to
change back and read what was damaged and understand the relation to
hearing aid devices.

>Until age 7 to 10 spasticity was more apparent but muscle tone
>has slowly improved and the muscle control probems have become more
>predominant over the last 3  to 5 years.

(Interesting to contemplate for me.)

>She is mobile but cannot jump or run normally.
When jumping down I had the impression that in my brain some stuff is
odd there, too, though I guess in other form. But if giving part of
the landing instructions myself I usually managed to get the hang of
it better if I was jumping down the same place a few times.
I tended to find it satisfying if I got the landing better.

Maybe walking around on two feet is historically so new, and jumping
and running that way ever more, that the bioprograms for that are also
not as good as some of the older ones.

> Has a rather uneven/clumsy gait which is much less
>obvious when walking slowly.

Some with MBD I also notice by the way they move.
At first sight some of them are seeming a bit alike to people with
psychological problems due to physical differences nd due to other
reasons, but while people just with emotional problems tend to do O.K.
enough with motorics and some when criticized might evade or get
aggressive, some of the MBD folks to me seem even more open to serious
criticism as they tend to be aware of inner differences and might have
damaged bioprograms that make a more common emotional interreaction
not possible on a natural physical base, and also some of the MBD
folks have rather outstanding motoric differences.

Someone I know with MBD (trouble around birth, seems the back of head
and brain inside got pressed in and damaged) for example when playing
some game on this computer where you have to press two arrows (right
and left) where I use two different fingers for it, if I recall right
used two fingers at once for the same button and then went with them
to the other arrow, which of course took ways longer.
Like me he also gets far more rapidly frustrated if something does not
work the way hee wants, maybe even faster than I and with even higher
aggressiom (maybe also due to male testosterone?).

> Can ride a three wheel bike but not a two wheeler.
Guess in nature bikes did not pop up till rather recently in history,
and also there bio-programs might be lacking

The sequencer is supervising the execution of motoric sequences, but
as such to me does not seem like the main source for all the sequences
(don't know, but if I were to bother to read neuro books seeking for
such I guess I'd start to check what striata areas are doing, and then
other areas to do with motorics) and far less seems to do with single
finger or single muscles parts movements or such detail stuff.

Guess if the detail programs are old natural ones  it might be easier
for the own areas even if part of the sequencer is damaged 
to get them or what is left of them to work,
than if it is historically rather newish stuff.

>Writes and 'signs' very crudely and slowly (large wobbly letters). 
With me it seems more "fine motorics" and also I guess that part of
the trouble I had back then in school with letters and drawing
pictures is that I had not visualizing of such inside.

Guess if inside one can visualize inside what one is going to draw and
hold the fingers more still that'd improve it considerably.

In my twenties I got a bit better with such.

In between I had tried to get better with the left hand as well, but I
am not sure if that was to do with it or not. Also at times I tried to
draw long wound lines and the trace them back and forth with a pen
with each hand a few times.

>Types on the computer very slowly - auto-repeat delay on keystrokes must be set at 1 second. 

This reminds me of some Enterprise T.V. stuff with Captain Kirk.
Someone from another people in the galaxy in that episode had seen to
that "automatic movements" did not work anymore, and in the start
people of the crew were short of unable to move around.
Till they figured out what was up and tried to steer the movements
oneself, and got some rather jerky, slow handicapped versions runnning
Though this is another topic  in one of the new Enterprise ones  there
was one about another race abusing them for experiments and altering
around in the gene code.  Though I thought that the way they were
protrayed to do that indicated someone who had not come far in
understanding where magic and Westie subatomic research is today here
on Earth  and had not come that far in figuring that on 
into the future, I found that one quite fascinating to contemplate.
(What for me seemed like errors and alternative possiblities that to
me were seeming more fit for the future maybe even more than what the
film went on about.)

>There is a sensori-neural hearing loss - 
Based on what?
>severe at high frequencies

(Have some vague recollections of someone here going on about temporal
stuff and analyzing brain stuff to do with sound, that lead to me
trying a few in this artificial vibes crammed area rather unhealthy
LSD experiments.  My ex-main trainingspartner tended to hate it,  
and I did not go for that in other people's brains much either,
but there seem to be some partial temporal akasha alterations that can
see to ranging in some high vibes. But I am not sure what would happen
if someone were to damaged there physically.
Here somee of us just tend not to use that because of artificial
ranges and cancer danger being increased to much, so it is more like
trying to constantly blend out many of the high artificial ranges
hammering through the systems than not being able to hear that.
I noticed that with age the ability to hear up there seems to go down,
which I veery much regret, as there are many telepathic tunings where
the high ranges seem natural and I hope to some day before I am too
old to find a telepath and the time and means to get to some cave deep
enough under ground one can maybe tune there with less dangers.

But I guess to suggest if ever into such enough to try a tuning in
some of such ranges in a society like this with someone 
is short of asking someone to risk someone else's health.
And I guress the  high ranges mentioned to heree might be lower ones
than the ones I just was referring to, where with a load of them with
many older human males I'd not be sure if they could still hear them

> Wears hearing aids but is intolerant of them outside school.
I do not exclude that that is good.

> Vision is excellent. 

If without the hearing devices cupping the hands behind the ears and
aiming them at each loudspeaker and trying to hear the reflections of
sounds in them, and then going closer with the hands to the ears (back
and forth few times) ... Ever tried what that's doing?

There seems to be a tricky to get them to run in part of the cingulate
gyrus ("my playground") on LSD and in my brainsurfer high times when
aiming internal focus centrally at a certain depth in sort of a relay
station between me and part of the  frontal cortex ("front computer")
I could get them to run up in the playground, too.

However I am not sure from where they smurf to there, and if one could
sort of refracture them straight into the playground as "ranges
display above the internal nose" or not.

I am an energy selector into the playground, and in my brainsurfer
times could option for several forms of transitions of sounds there,
including some where they did not have to do much with sounds anymore.

Guess among all the ranges the optic ones might be historically older
than sound ones (though not sure with the very high pitched ones) and
the way they are transferred between areas in the brain.
But I am not sure about that, could be very wrong.

>Appeared to be very insensitive to pain in the early years but now has a relatively normal
>pain threshold. 

If I am not docked with the sequencer, than a lot of pain is not
relayed to me it seems.

As long as the sequencer is in central navigation control and I am
fairly off-lines with it, lower  and lower medium pain seems not to
play much of a role, and high one only as long as it is high.

Basically one of the best ways to blend out sorts of physical pain to
me seems to be to leave central navigation to the sequencer 
and to try to raise adrenaline.

There are sorts of tensions where if they are high enough and I have
the impression that enough adrenaline is running, there seems to be so
much pain insensitivity, that that might work even better than just to
leave stuff to the sequencer.

Maybe if something with the sequencer is wrong the relays of pain are
also no the way they are with Mr. Average.

>She is excessively excitable (and noisy!) at times. 

If not hearing well or sounds not transferred, maybe she does not hear
that much.
Ever stuck some stuff into your ears in a disco and then went outside
and had it still in and talked to someone ways too loud, till noticing
that eventually?  Maybe not, but might be a bit similar.

The "excessively excitable" can have so many reasons that I rather do
not speculate about causes with her.

Generalizing with some of the MBDs where there is own systems &
frontal damages "counterpowering to the emotion generators" might be
quite a bit handicapped, 
apart from that energy ranges of the systems can be crippled, so that
internal synch might be messed up between various systems and within
and apart from that for compensation for damages the own areas
together with some others  might be used to have to force to extreme
strains (tensions/powers maybe being altered to more extremes?) 
in order just to achieve what the Mr. Averages want them to achieve,
wanting them to reach norms not the own.

(I often love to torture people with long sentences! ;-p)

>There is a clear impression of slow and deliberate thought and speech

Before I am not with someone into what we call akasha surfing on LSD
at the prestage of sort of autist I-I-differentiation merge, I usually
do not perceive the others own I that well, and even then there is
very much I do not perceive.

I directly seem to have about the I.Q. of a rabbit, and if there were
not what for me is the front computer (part of the frontal cortex) you
could ask me 8+5 and do not believe I would know.

Apart form that I would not understand the question anyway if I were
offlines the rest, as there seemed to be relay areas out of my
perceiving abilities back then that had to do with that the stuff gets
to me in forms I do understand.

If to get connections with other areas and to get them to do what they
are supposed to do in Mr. Average is difficult, it might be possible
that  given the limited capacities  the results achieved are fairly
and as long as mine are not that limited, maybe I could not understand
"feats" well anyway.


>There is a 2 to 3 second pause between each spoken word 

If one would have to see to mouth movements and other stuff to do with
other areas oneself far more, maybe it takes quite some processing.

>and a 10 second pause (accompanied by deep concentration) between each

How long do max. concentration spans seem?

What's grammar like?

>Sings along to songs (roughly) by dropping words to keep up,
>in a way that reminds me of a slow computer system dropping frames
>when processing hi-res video. 

Sounds familiar on very different levels to me.

Basically often I tend to kick out sequencer stuff big style.
If I were to have to process all that optics and motorics stuff,
probably even just very limited optics & 40% of motorics  would keep
me busy about 100%.

Maybe the data jumping is also to do with different tensions, or what
you referred to as 
>excessively excitable (and noisy!) 
as if not able to process much at once and having to hop between
inputs / processings / systems, 
it might be very straining, and there might not be the capacities 
(and maybe also not the will for the strain)
to spend additional efforts to contemplate how own noise levels or
some other own stuff  might be perceived by others.

>Most people do not have the patience or determination necessary to let
>her complete her sentences and to understand what she is
>saying/signing. This is can be frustrating for her.

I am sometimes getting short of atomic detonation if someone does not
take it serious that I am handicapped in sort of downloading me
optics, and gets too impatient if sometimes I decide for that and then
take a while at that, as I want to know sometimes more about what is
around me, too. It is rare enough that I bother, and I would not go as
far as Frankie in here seeemed to suggest that there's folks able to
memorize what several houses in a row look like or stuff like that,
but at least enough to know a house again when I go into one or to
sometimes get a rough idea about the shapes and a bit of other stuff
about the houses around or the like at times I want, too, and I hate
it if there are some of the fast perceiving who are having the
advantage to be able to perceive lots while they walk and move, 
going impatient just because maybe after hours for a few minutes I
want to know a bit more about what is around, too.
Maybe it is good I have no way to fry their brain to where their own
perceiving powers would go as bad as mine, as in some such moments if
all I had to do was press some button for it, I do not exclude with
some people that I might, so they get the hang of what it is like

But then again I guess that within LSD akasha surfing similar systems
segegations in more extreme forms are seeing to a few neaties, so that
usually I figure though I cannot do some of the stuff many others can,
there is some stuff I can do that few can and maybe even some no one
else can.

Sometimes when the sense censored headblinds in this room here go for
their guesses about the brain  maybe to make theories that justify
what they are doing to persons of other mammal kinds, 
I do not need to check out their complicated terms irxtlwrrksing in
some neuro-book but straight from my brainsurfer times get enough
about what areas / functions they are talking about and get what crap
you can pile up publicly once you stick Ph.D. or something like that
after your name where the rest of the "peers" remain silent.

It does not take a Ph.D. either, just read something about David
Chalmers theories, total nonsense and outright wrong many times,
but a magazine here called translated Picture of Science seemed to
like it enough to actually print the stuff two years ago, and I just
bought it from someone's stand within a university main building here.

Simplified if you have been spending years or decades to get some
areas of the brain to do something some of the non-MBDs want you to
do, then it does not take a neuro book to know one's own share about

MBD can have disadvantages as well as advantages.

Coins tend to have two sides.

And some people believe that all coins are to look the same, so that
they do not need to think about differences and it is more comfortable
for them.  They might want the coin they like or are used to, and want
it THE coin for anybody, and all coined the same way.

> knows precisely how to 'wind up' other people and is highly amused by their reactions (doesn't work
>with me, though!).  

If MBD and having to shift to norms and pretend emotions not the own,
then often there is a sort of span from the own to those of others,
and when having to work at such and spending a lot of time with it,
some of the funny sides of the norm-sheep might not escape attention.

>Exhibits some obsessive behaviour. 
Maybe combination of sectors working more segregated / having less
counter-control powers,
with being used to stubbornly having to persecute tasks (to get them
to work though there are damaged systems in the head) with a high

As mentioned some also have less capacities to process data about how
the own behaviour might be perceived by other people.   Apart from 
if not having all of their physical basics for perceiving, 
so that such might not be possible 
for the person like for people having these basics.


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