Who sells NMDA receptor and nAch receptor?

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Thu May 27 12:48:48 EST 1999

In article <7iioqs$aa6$2 at fsuj19.rz.uni-jena.de> Stefka Stoyanova,
b9stst at rz.uni-jena.de writes:
>We are looking for purified or recombinant receptors- NMDA (glutamate)
>receptor and nicotinic acetylcholin receptor.  If you know the right company
>or research group - please, contakt to me.

I've never heard of people selling the purified receptors. Perhaps you
can buy the clones. But the way most people do it is to write a letter to
someone who made the clone, or at least who has published papers with a
certain clone, and simply ask for it. Most of the time, people are
willing to give out their clones. If they aren't, they better have a good
reason, because giving free access to the clones (or at the absolute
least, the sequence) is the only way to allow their published data to be
independently tested.

Matt Jones

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