Comparing animal's and human brians

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed May 26 20:46:27 EST 1999

In <37733EA6.67350293 at phys.chem.msu.ru> TIY at phys.chem.msu.ru (Ivan
Torshin) writes: 
>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> Ivan, your English is clearly better than my Russian, but you seem
>> be missing something...
>> Frank
>As I'm  physical chemist and programmer, rather than neuroscientist,
>possibly I'm missing neuroscience official education. Will we stop
here ?

What you are missing has nothing to do with neuroscience: you are
missing the humor or sarcasm in my reply. Read it again, looking for
the relevant clues...


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