Brian Capacity

Ian at dragoncon.netdeletethis Ian at dragoncon.netdeletethis
Wed May 26 04:25:08 EST 1999

On 24 May 1999 15:30:39 GMT, chronocide at aol.commie.boy (Chronocide)

>  Okay, first of all we knew you were uneducated by your inability to
>demonstrate even basic spelling and grammar.  Don't use poor typing skills as
>an excuse.  Most news server software is equipped with spell-checkers, and if
>not, it isn't hard to use a third-party application such as MS Word and simply
>C&P (cut and paste).
Um..... would that be a real English spell checker as used by 1.5
billion of the world's population, or the dumbed down version you use?

And while I think I can phrase most of a question in single syllable
words, for the really technical stuff I may need to use a few 2
syllable ones. Will you be able to cope with this, or should I submit
the questions in the form of a cartoon and include a set of crayons?
More pretentious, gratuitous drivel snipped
>This has been another off-color presentation by
>-Steve Christ


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