
ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Tue May 25 20:20:54 EST 1999

it's all in AoK... i'm sorry that you are unable to receive it,
but it's in the form it's in for valid reasons... i've been
Hoping for the opportunity to get on with the expansion of AoK,
but because the stakes are so awesomely-high (and because there's
been such huge "counteractivity" for the better part of two
decades), i'll wait until i can work devotedly, as the subject
matter deserves...

do you understand? i'm in debt. i work all day just to stay
alive. my library is in disarray from having to move around so
much. i need the opportunity to continue in the way that AoK is
written... the stuff of every sentence tightly cross-correlated
with the stuff of every other sentence... the unification
magnified... =everything= thoroughly substantiated by
reproducible experimental results.

if there's no opportunity to just get on with this work, then all
i've to offer is the hypertext version of AoK, which, i =Beg= you
to =Forgive me=, is, as it stands, the most-significant thing
that's been done in the History of Science.

i do not relent from doing what i can, but i'm working at a
"level" that'd not communicate if i just did a "brain dump"...
i'll continue, in this way, while i wait for a roof near a
Library, food, and the ability to make my monthly payments to the
"Credit Card Science Foundation"... my needs are Simple. (please
don't tell me to send out more letters, to fill out more forms,
etc... "been there. done that"

"the workman is worth his wages", no? ...especially when the
wages are multiplied and given back in-toto, no?

ken collins

Cijadrachon wrote:
> (SKIP to most.)
> ... I believe not,
> apart from that if mentioning something here
> if someone asks about it you might not die to either say
> you won't explain  or to do so.
> I seriously did not get at all what you mean with amygdalar inversion.
> Also not what is exactly referred to with cognition.
> >that, unless the cycle of abdicating cognition to
> >amygdalar inversion
> ?
> >(...) it's
> >all a Dead-End... literally.

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