there is a correlation... abject poverty greatly elevates TD
E/I... leading, in the absence of opportunity to achieve TD
E/I-minimization through productive labor toward possible goals,
to TD E/I-minimization via "self-medication" in the form of
reproductive function.
it's still 100%... it's "just" that, abject poverty augments
randomness within ongoing neural activation.
worried about over-population? talk to the folks who "move away
from" (AoK, Ap7, "volitional diminishing-returns decision") those
crushed in poverty, in what amounts to their own version of TD
E/I-minimizing behavioral "self-medication".
which "self-medication" is the more-offensive, that of those
crushed, or that of those who "move away from"?
Cheers, Dr. Richard, ken collins [=just= taking the long-awaited
opportunity presented by your msg to make the point that
over-population is a thing Chosen by those who blaim the victims
of interminable TD E/I(up, up). population will settle-in as soon
as TD E/I settles-in... no sooner.]
Richard Hall wrote:
>> Do you suppose that the individuals who believe we only use a fraction of
> our brain capacity are related to those who believe earth has plenty of
> room for more people?
>> rlh