Maybe to truely understand human spiritual experiences fully it takes
understanding energy stuff to do with the brain and therefore it does
not need to get away from any branch to do with that, though awareness
that different branches are specialized for different stuff might help
when comparing their facts and theories about such.
Apart from that I guess wether someone did astral travel often and
long before death might have more to do with human spiritual
capacities before and after death than experiences near death.
Concerning communication (medium) with human or other spirits, ranges
capacities and other stufff I find more relevant than wether someone
has this or that experience near death.
I feel like I was born in the shadow of death, I have played
throughout the second phase of childhood till far into my twenties,
felt that I was not far of dying from malaria when I was in Africa,
and once did not seem to be that far from death on some drugstuff
where because I did not want to go unconscious because I was not sure
I'd ever wake up ago I sort of stayed and watched systems off-lining,
and for me myself I know that what I perceived there was the closest
understanding of death short of necromancy.
Yet all of this is not very helpful if someone having spirits with him
and I am visiting there and I do want them to buzz off me.
I guess being a nerd or sort or pressing the ignore button with
spirits or being so utterly boring and maybe autistically repeating a
lot or/and docking off to the inside and the sequencer going for
repetitive protection movements, so the show gets too boring,
o to turn some artificial stuff on where they do not like the ranges,
etc., might be ways better for getting spirits to get it that you
want them to vibe off if simpler methods don't work. I usually do not
have trouble with them.
Also it is my impression that both, the other spirit and I,
are usually content to keep it at a certain distance or to take just a
rather short "look" at each other and then decide that to focus there
for too long is not something both want.
It is not that I really mind them too much as long as they are there
for visiting someone else or seem to be with someone and I am just
visiting there. I just do not want them here around me all the time,
and I find that some of them are on too different energy ranges to be
healthy for my systems.
With this I try to say that maybe the attitudes to spirits are more
relevant than some experiences around death for spiritual stuff.
Though I heard stories about some spooking out when hitting odd energy
ranges in longer off-line phases when unconscious or/and in coma.
Maybe you are referring to that.
However with such I did not hear that it tends to bring the targetted
astral travelling abilities that some reached with practicing for
> After everything what I read and what I heard, where is true?
I guess as the Reincarnation of the Goddess of Laziness after my
physical hull expired I might spook off into my spirit-hammock at Neat
Illusions Beach and recover a little from the stress.
In some unGodly phase I might attempt to blaster your brain to
overload and beyond by tuning in the data of billions of brains who
are and were, and all that is true.
While you might be getting near-death experiences then,
you might find out. ;-)
Humans are individuals with individual "program settings", different
attitudes, not exactly all the same substance outputs, nor usually
exactly the same energy ranges.
To generalize all
is alike generalizing all fish and asking what is the fish?
And answer like the fish is rather flat and is not flat, has few fins
and many fins, is rather stupid and is not that stupid, and does et
other fish and does not eat other fish
might not be that satisfying.
Maybe more specialized questions could bring more specialized anwers.
Or talking to people who are intending to kill themselves and then
maybe do.
(... people who had NDE after that make...)
>suicide,because, there are understand this like
>exit from all problems, emotion (...)