Butyrolactone in Depression /La Butyrolactone dans la depression

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon May 24 07:10:25 EST 1999

Would it be possible that some people confuse
damaging systems by taking a happy pill 
by being happy?
Or are drugging some other systems damaging them till functions
alteration to achieve some artificial effects,
and are rather silent about if there are receptor molecule changes 
and/or about maybe other damages 
due to the sunbstance abuse,
to instead praise some drug effects like some ecstasy dealer in front
of a techno disco?

Would it be possibe that there are neurotrophic substances to do with
at certain level alterations in other systems (like cortisol, and also
connections between stuff in the hypothalamus and the adrenal glands)
reducing stuff to more basic settings and certain internal focus
seeing to increasing problems  where if they are running till the
person is far enough to solve them naturally they'd be not of trouble
in the future  and instead some nerds who are out for profit not
necessarily just by selling drugs  are interrupting  so that the
down-going to more basic structures can not take place and therefore
the rewiring to better settings also is disturbed, artificially cause
physical systems damages to achieve some artifcial emotional and other
effects, are maybe drugging over barriers to "face problems where
someone is not really far enough for that yet" and are real proud they
got the person to dig up problems the basic bio-programs in the
emotion generators and all their connections to other systems they do
not even remotely understand,
nor what dangers such can have for the person?

Would it be possible that some into drugging others (and prefering
that over teaching them how to take self-responsibility concerning
providing well for head & body systems [including emotional neeeds],
so that they do not move too far too other balances 
among other aspects causing negative emotions)
and that some persons praising such drugging are astonishingly silent
about if the chances to find a good partner, good friends, being in
natural harmonies and so on are increased or decreased by crutching
around in chemical artifical emotions and maybe not being able to
react to emotions sent by others naturally any more,
and are also not mentioning long-term damages, if there are withdrawal
and are also not even bothering to mention if the persons where they
stuck drugs into them did raise with the sun, did live a natural
enough life, had their basic (also emotional) needs fed off well
enough, etc., or if possibly that and other stuff needed by their
nature was not there and the alterations that were natural for them to
be the consequence  were treated like symptoms of some illness 
and the generating sectors to do with lots of other balances as well
chemically injured to achieve more congruence to the outside with the
norm of someone who does not understand a few thousand of the
emotional bioprograms and their connections?

(Aah, I love long sentences  ;-)


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