extreme trauma in early brain development

m_dl at msn.com.au m_dl at msn.com.au
Tue May 25 06:10:03 EST 1999

Look up information by Professor Graham Vimpani. He is professor of
community and child health at the University of Newcastle (I'm not sure if
this Newcastle is in Australia or the U.K.) He is giving a leture titled
"Brain Development in Traumatic Environments - A challenging legacy" in
August. He has also given a lectures "Stress and human development: How can
we promote resilience?" His work may lead you to your answer
Good luck
Michael deLacy

A. Getchel <uhoh_1999 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:7h2a9b$n03$1 at bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net...
> does anyone know of any studies that explore how a baby's brain develops
> under extreme stress? like massive disruption of family life and external
> crisises?

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