>My daughter has thalamic brain damage and her case indicates a
>possible role for the thalamus in the development of intellect.
Sounds odd to me, unless it is the intellect of what I call the
What are the motoric differences?
>I understand that classically the cerebral cortex is responsible for
>this function.
Classically some neuros liked to make the frontal cortex responsible
for intellect to have a justification why to abuse persons of other
mammal races for the gross stuff they did.
However since they noticed that you can remove a tumour a certain size
there and that Alzheimer is damaging in the cholinergic limbic system,
they are trying for other theories instead, but of course still not
congruent with MBDs of different continents of different languages
with self perception all giving areas of the cholionergic limbic
system. Discern between self justifications for abusing other mammals
and data that is there.
The front to me seems more like a gigantic computer but me myself is
making the tasks.
So I would not know what 8+5 is; the "front computer" makes that for
me, but I give the task.
More like the own giving the commands for data processings out to
several other stations and they do their stuff and that way one gets
the answers.
Don't confuse the programmer of a computer with the computer thinking.
I do not know about the thalamus directly, but since Dag mentioned
stuff about the thalamus I guess in the next months or years if I find
someone into LSD akasha surfing experimenting there who is O.K. for
that and where I can program our brains compatible enough I might try
some minor energy perceiving attempts for that.
Already in the prestages I have ways more aiming problems than for
neocortex energy ranges. I tried sneaking up the spine, targetting
into the eye-nerves and trying to fizzle down, tried to aim energies
into the cerebellum and had the impression that that might not be a
bright idea, and most of the few times it was just tries resulting in
If the thalamus really had that much to do with my areas, it would
amaze me why one can not aim there as easily as for areas that for me
are sort of external parts of my CPU or shareware.
Till Dag's remark within akasha surfing I also never aimed for what
for me is sequencer stuff with the exception of motor cortex stuff
sometimes when neocortex stuff was on what for me registers as older
settings, and there that is a bit different for me.
I am not sure if it is correct to aim energies for sequencer stuff,
and brainstem outright tended to worry me = taboo zone.
If the thalamus was that much to do with me, why would that be so.
I do nto really knwo where the sequencer is and what it is off, but I
believe more likee other people do with a religion that the thalamus
is centers of the sequencer.
The fornix connecting and maybe other connections of systems might
however see to that if there were damages to the other thinker that
the own thinking abilities are effected as well.
Also if like Dag says the thalamus is a lot to do with energies, and
the one time I managed to aim for energies of it a bit the energy
results were fascinating enough that I could get why he is interested
in it, there might be energy range differences if there were damages
to it, that might also alter stuff in different areas.
More guessing than knowing...
>1) does the thalamus have an important role in intellectual
>development/learning ability and if so, what role?
The sequencer can think.
For me it is the other main thinker of the systems I share the head
But it is to do with motorics stuff a lot.
For me it is more like a neighbour, like me of several systems,
and we are having different tasks, and as long as it does what it is
supposed to do and I do not have to bother with stuff that I regard if
its jurisdiction and it does not do stupid stuff, or stuff worrying me
for other reasons, then often I do not really think much about it.
If it does not do what it is supposed to do I might still not think
much about the sequencer but hammer out instructions and grump at it
in a way that I hope next time I do not get interrupted in what I am
doing in order to have to do with such stupid stuff.
Acutally I believe that mine is doing fairly well and ion some stuff
has ways more capacities and seems far less damaged than me.
Maybe it would be better to find someone with a tumour in the thalamus
removed or literature about such or the like in order to find out
Dag mentioned energies to do with the thalamus and I got curious and
once managed to aim some energies there, too, and know he is right in
that it has a lit to do with them.
Though someone tried to explain me memes I still did not get if that
is (part of) the same stuff that the telepaths use to transfer data
between brains, and the stuff which is sort telling structures data,
but if it is so, then maybe if the thalamus is damaged the memes are
different, and also the communication between some of the sectors this
way cannot work the way like in a brain where that is not so.
But maybe that was wrong.