
Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon May 24 01:34:11 EST 1999

>> I would like to know on which chemical reactions memories are based.
Don't know, but since it are different sectors maybe also different
ones. Also there seem to be hormones and other stuff making a
difference. Like with me after 13 there were differences in time
perceptions and storing differences. Also differences in the transit
age of six compared to before and after. Also it seems possible to do
some training and then there seem to be recording differences
concerning the speed of learning (faster) and how well it is stored
(less good). Some drugs can make quite a difference, too.
Like LSD seems to be disturbing the front.

For the sequencer I would not know stuff anyway.

Maybe would be easier if you'd focus on just some of the memory
systems first, and also specify age.

I did not pay that much attention to it when I tried testosterone
once, and do not exclude that it was because I simply was not used to
it, but there might be some minor differences to do with male and
female hormone stuff as well.
But that's a tricky one because the testosterone did see to stuff
going off faster and different in the third emotion generator, sort of
emotional stuff  jumping from first via second into third so fast,
that readouts of first and reaction times in second were also altered,
and female hormones are making like different emotional stages,
and though I did not think much about it my first impression is that
such is seeing to some differences as well.

Simplified if you ask some of the drugies, ex-anorectics, adrenaline
junkies, maybe some of the people with some illnesses making a
difference there (like some malaria sort together with drugs some
doctor gave me saw to a sort of a recordings lapse for most of five
days in a row where instead there is sort of a greyness and other
stuff that for some reason makes me wonder if I had something remotely
alike that in the weeks before I was born late) and MAYBE some of the
"twi-sexuals" who did take hormonees of the other sex for a while and
then stopped or went several times back and forth, and  about
recording stuff you might notice that that are complicated areas.

>Probably biochemical - they're in the brain!
And if they were in the body that would not be so "?"

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