I would like to point out that for many academics this is the end of the
semester. The tone of this string has gotten "testy"...so everyone...chill
At 1:16 PM +0000 5/24/99, Simon Marsh wrote:
>Millennial Dragon wrote in message <374869fe.21003170 at news.ox.ac.uk>...
>>On Sun, 23 May 1999 19:22:54 -0000, "Simon Marsh"
>><simonmarsh at tardis99.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>>>You know I've learnt something very intresting from posting a question
>>>And that is that if you ask someone who is an "expert" in a field
>>>then they will insult and patronise you for the small and unimportnat
>>>points, because "they are clever".
>>>>We aren't insulting you because you're stupid or we're clever, but
>>because you were irritating us.
>>Charmed I'm sure.
>One asks oneself what the whole point of having people who know information
>that might actually be of use to others is, if they find it an irriation to
>actually dispense this information to those who don't know it.
>>If I am causing an irriatation by posting what would appear to be an
>intelligent question (intelligent as it seems to be a question that a lot of
>people ask) then I'm not sorry. Frankly if 40 odd words on a computer screen
>is enough to be rewarded with the insults that I have recieved then I dread
>to think how little it would take to casue all out anarchy.
>>>That's Usenet for you: you've got to
>>know your facts before you post.
>>Er... no. If I knew all the answers what would be the point? I am a member
>of others NGs in a feild where I happen to know a lot about. Every now and
>then we get people asking what we see as easy, obvious questions, but it
>doesn't take much to reply in a helpful and friendly way. After all if this
>is where the people who "know" the answers are, then (as stated above) why
>can't we ask them?
>>>No one has to be nice to you.
>>No but it doesn't take much does it?
>>>And, we certainly didn't only pick on "the small and unimportant
>>>So what would you call it then?
>>>>I'm not just talking about the guy below but most of the posts here really
>>>are even bording on friendly.
>>>Right, guys, I'm not a "neuroscientest", a university professor or guess
>>>what? I don't even have letters after my name, or have a degree. But
>>>alright, you've proved all that matters - sad because I had expected
>>>>You don't need to be any of the above, you just need to make sure you
>>read up first before you post,
>>No i posted a question that I thought I might get a sensible answer to. Or
>is asking question of people wronge now? I have already said that I am not a
>neuroscienist and have not tried to get involved in a disscusion that is out
>of my depth. I simply asked a question.
>>>as with anywhere on the Usenet.
>>No we get people asking questions, we answer in a friendly way. As have all
>the other NGs that I have posted what would probably be basic questions to.
>There they seem happy to help.
>>>Scientists aren't any more patient than the next guy.
>>>No true, but then I expect all people to be at the very least polite
>>>>>Making an FAQ is a brilliant idea, but it won't solve any problems if
>>the people who should read it, don't. And I personally don't think
>>that many will.
>>Good grief, if my question has caused you so much pain and suffering why on
>earth did you bother getting involved in the thread in the first place?
Richard Hall, Associate Professor of
Comparative Animal Physiology
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI 00802
rhall at uvi.edu