Brian Capacity

Simon Marsh simonmarsh at tardis99.freeserve.co.uk
Mon May 24 08:24:26 EST 1999

Eugene Leitl wrote in message <199905240223.TAA01026 at lrz.de>...
>Simon Marsh writes:
> >
> > You know I've learnt something very intresting from posting a question
> > And that is that if you ask someone who is an "expert" in a field
> > then they will insult and patronise you for the small and unimportnat
> > points, because "they are clever".
>No. You've just learned something about Usenet.

No. I am used to using NGs and on other NGs people are friendly and helpful.

You're expected to do
>a modicum of research before you post a question.

Then what, may I ask, is the point of posting a question I already know the
answer to?

If you pose a very
>basic question you'll get flamed. (That's the way you find it it was a
>basic question, in case you've wondered ;)

Only basic to those who know the answers, for the rest of us where do we go
to get the answers from? Is it not people, such as yourself, who we think
might know the answers? And if you don't then just tell us, polietly. It's
not hard.

>Btw, you're using a mail alias which bounces. Since you're not telling
>this in your .sig, this is quite rude by Usenet lights. Please correct
>that asap.

Er no. The server was down over the weekend and I am not using any alias. Do
not tell me what is and is not rude.

> > I'm not just talking about the guy below but most of the posts here
> > are even bording on friendly.
> > Right, guys, I'm not a "neuroscientest", a university professor or guess
> > what? I don't even have letters after my name, or have a degree. But
> > alright, you've proved all that matters - sad because I had expected
> > better...
>Remember I said 'can you spell urban legend'? Did you even try
>searching for 'urban legend' in a search engine?

No, because your patronising answer did not suggest that.

I answered your
>question as succinctly as I could. It's not my fault if you
>misunderstand the answers.

No, I did not misunderstand you answer. Your "oh so witty" response failed
to make any sense to anything what-so-ever and was therefore deemed

>Have a nice day,
>-- Eugene


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