Brian Capacity

ken collins kenpc at banet.net
Sun May 23 23:39:00 EST 1999

Laim wrote:
> Cheers Ken,
> Has anyone recently tested his jelly for the 100's of
> neuro-transmitters that have revealed themselves recently?

i'm unaware with respect to such.

> >when Einstein's brain was examined post mortem, it was found that
> >was more-densely populated than "normal" with neuralglia cells.
> Sorry I was following you up to <"normal" with>,
> what does the rest mean in dim-wit terms?

"neuralglia" cells have been, conventionally, deemed "not to be
involved in active away, within neural activation "states".

this conventional supposition is False (which, i believe, folks
in Neuroscience now understand. (Einstein's brain happens to be
an interestingly-correlated thing.)

Cheers, Laim, ken collins


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