when Einstein's brain was examined post mortem, it was found that
was more-densely populated than "normal" with neuralglia cells.
ken collins
[P. S. i believe the material is still in a jar somewhere. kpc]
Laim wrote:
>> Ok a question from a dim-wit.
> People like artists use different parts of their brains than
> non-artists ( ie the emotive parts).
> Do geniuses use any different section of their brain than the rest of
> us? or are more sections stimulated at once?
> Do they have any differences in their DNA? in regards the junk (?)
> DNA?
> I think the structural differences between a genius and normal are
> slight, but at post-mortem did thay have any more of certain
> neuro-transmitters?
> Before I get flamed, don't bother coz I won't understand it OK.
> Cheers
> Liam
>> On Fri, 21 May 1999 17:35:53 -0000, "Simon Marsh"
> <simonmarsh at tardis99.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>> >Some neuroscientests estimate that during an average lifespan, a person uses
> >only 1/100 of 1% (.0001) of his potentional brain capacity. - Why do we
> >have a brain with so much capacity that we hardly test a fraction of it in a
> >normal life time?
> >
> >
> >