Ok a question from a dim-wit.
People like artists use different parts of their brains than
non-artists ( ie the emotive parts).
Do geniuses use any different section of their brain than the rest of
us? or are more sections stimulated at once?
Do they have any differences in their DNA? in regards the junk (?)
I think the structural differences between a genius and normal are
slight, but at post-mortem did thay have any more of certain
Before I get flamed, don't bother coz I won't understand it OK.
On Fri, 21 May 1999 17:35:53 -0000, "Simon Marsh"
<simonmarsh at tardis99.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>Some neuroscientests estimate that during an average lifespan, a person uses
>only 1/100 of 1% (.0001) of his potentional brain capacity. - Why do we
>have a brain with so much capacity that we hardly test a fraction of it in a
>normal life time?