
Laim laim at globalnet.co.uk
Sun May 23 20:14:02 EST 1999

>You have the opportunity to partake in the most extraordinary and 
>powerful wealth building program!
You're too kind,thanks !!!!!
>I will show you how you can earn $150,000.00  this year from the 
>comfort of your home.
Great, tell me more !!!!
>If you're skeptical, that's okay.
I am a bit, perhaps you could send a cheque for $1000 and I'll go into
more details.
If your sceptical about sending that, send $500, for my booklet "why
you shouldn,t be sceptical of sending $1000 for a load of tosh",
then you'll feel safe in sending the original $1000
>My team is looking for those  who desire change, prosperity, 
>and personal freedom.
They must be dificult to find,however ,you, VICKYE have been specialy
selected for a once in a life-time offer, for $2000, I'll give YOU
THOUSANDS OF CONTACTS ( the names, and addresses will of course be
changed to protect their privacy), and save you a lot of effort.
If you are sceptical about this, I have another booklet (you get the
idea) that only costs $1000, but only if you reply soon, as demand
will be high
>This is not multi-level marketing, nor is it a franchise, this is free enterprise in its purest form.
The purest form that must be ..........Yup its called SPAM
Pompous regards,
Vickie does America,
have I mentioned my videos?, later

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