Dear Simon Marsh,
The idea that we use only a small portion of our brain capacity is silly
but recurs all the time. It is a fallacy and if you think about it you
will come to the conclusion that it is illogical.
Consider: If you use only 1% of your brain then you could obviously remove
20, 40, 60, 90% and have no ill effect. What half of your brain do you
wish to have removed? See what I mean?
At 5:35 PM +0000 5/21/99, Simon Marsh wrote:
>Some neuroscientests estimate that during an average lifespan, a person uses
>only 1/100 of 1% (.0001) of his potentional brain capacity. - Why do we
>have a brain with so much capacity that we hardly test a fraction of it in a
>normal life time?
Richard Hall, Associate Professor of
Comparative Animal Physiology
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI 00802
rhall at