Gamma-OH in depression:First medical study! Confirms the high anti-depressant properties of GHB/Xyrem,etc

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 21 15:53:55 EST 1999


>    The natural alternative in physical and mental
>                                      health

>   ( ...) to Alleviate the
>    Symptoms ...

;-)   :

This great method of natural alternative in physical and dmental
health to alleviate the symptoms of measles consists of a razor blade
and you just cut off any measle you see.

Then the symptoms are gone.

Also there is a secret drug to extinguish the symptoms, so you just
alter your systems away from the natural in such a wonderfully natural
alternative to health and alleviate the symptoms.

Trying it with people who did not have measles, the results did not
remove as many measles as with people who had them, and so we can
clearly see the advantges of the 
>    the natural alternative in physical and mental
>                                      health
>   ( ...) to Alleviate the
>    Symptoms

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