
Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 21 15:54:07 EST 1999

(Maybe skip.)

>> > The body has an imaging system.
>>(...) Where does it reside and how does it interface with the outside world?

I am not far enough in understanding much about magic stuff to do with
the body, but especially if reeferring to something like "seeing"  I
would not entirely exclude such.

Since I am rather handicapped in optical imaging, but recall some
exercising stuff where even I got starts of such stuff, I would not
bet on that some fanatic exercising such from morning till evening for
decades could not get quite a bit further than me there.

> You need imaging to interpret what is a threat 
No, not really.
There are sounds in the dark or also in day-time where I do not need
imaging. And directly I might also not need much interpretation of

Also once I was sitting somewhere in Northern America and though that
might have been imagination suddenly I had something alike yellow
alert concerning the Earth below me. Though there were no more 
if I recall right I was informed that they do have earthquakes
sometimes there.
As far as I recall I do not need much modern thinking for that nor
imaging; there seem to be old programs going rather alert and
reacting. One of them registrations seems to be sufficient to cause
fairly high tensions in out-scannings in many systems for quite a
period of time.

>and to relay that information to all body parts for integrated responses. 

Within me what I call the sequencer is usually to do with main
movements sequencing stuff, not me, and the sequencer does not seem
much to do with substuff, and I do not know about the bit of relaying
informtion to "all" body parts.

>In other words 
I might not need to know much concerning saber toothed tigers, as long
as the sequencer's CPU is seeing to correct enough reactions.

>you need to not only know what the visual image of the threat ( example the saber toothed tiger) 
>but also an image of what is under foot to make your exit. 
I am not sure I need that, and I am not sure the sequencer is usually
paying that much attention to it.
Basically the sequencer at times seems to not bother to heed and
store much data about stuff lower than my knees.
Maybe because in nature that would be too small (for example a little,
still very flexible tree) to be some reliable enough major orientation

>Imaging is not just visual but also involves the stretch of muscle,
>angulation of joints and deep pressure on the bottom of the feet. 
That sounds a bit odd to me.

>Imagine running across a log to lose the saber toothed tiger. that isn't just a visual exercise. 

Actually I did not get much into the visual part yet before I already
thought that maybe the kittycat might be a little faster at that than

If I had the time to think and could get systems to do it, I might
rather grab some branch and make  load of odd noises and run straight
at the feline in the hope that that takes me off the dinner

When I was younger the cat knew she was not supposed to eat the guinea
pig and that that would be real trouble, but once she decided that at
least to chase it a little would be fun. As it was not a very bright
guinea big, she slapped it with a paw on the bum, so that it started
to run off, and gave it a little head-start, and when it stopped again
she'd repeat that.
t some point the guinea pig ran around a table leg, and really not
being very bright ran full speed towards the cat.

Puzzled the cat looked at the guinea pig charging at her, 
then got disquieted, and started to flee.

One could hope that such could be converted to bigger sorts of
kitty-cats as well.

>> > When a challenge or a threat comes from the outside the body
>> > has to interpret that signal. 
(Guess with threats at times when it comes from inside s well...)

And with quite some stuff the sort of instinct progrms reacting are in
the head.

> How can you tell you are upright with your eyes closed? 
Maybe with little thingies with water between that are about where
earstuff is inside.
But I believe that maybe that is not the answer you want..

>Why don't you fall down when you stand up? 

Usually I do not do the standing up but leave that to the sequencer.
Guess among other reasons because I'd grump towards its systems if
sober and not ill nor some other excuse, and it'd not supervise
motoric sequences stuff the way it is supposed to do.
(BTW, I know nearly nothing about the cerebellum but seem to recall
that someone mentioned it in some context where I would not exclude
that it has to do with such stuff.)
If I really get it stoned enough, or when I had malaria bothering
stuff in the brain or some other reason, then the sequencer is excused
and I am not sort of detonating of with eeg.2&3 or something like that
towards it but can have a for me "MBD volcano" rather exceptional
patience with it and bother with maybe just a mix of exasperation and
humour to be a bit co-sequencing motorics along, sort of active

(I guess that was not really a precision answer, but more the answer
from my point of view...  &-)

> On a conscious level it is in the sensory/ motor cortex. The cerebellum also appears to have reiterative patterns
>> > to interpret subconscious information.
IMO the motor cortex does not have consciousness, and most systems do
not.  Subconscious literally sounds like being below one of the
As far as mine goes among the consciousnesses  though often in "autist
fashion" I am not that aware of motorics and optics stuff and leave
that to the sequencer, if I bother to I can get some of some other
systems, sober just few, one some drugs more.

>> > The foot is to me a type of homunculi (little man) 
Sounds wrong to me.

>>or repeated pattern.

>> This is so far off the mark of any understood psychological biology 
I ws not aware that the Westies understand that much about that, and
though I am currently tired, as far as I recall it went on about the
foot and some areas to do with motorics, and not psychological areas /
emotion generators.

>>that I wonder if it was just made up. 

So to me it sounds more like you are not understanding that much about
the biologie / physical stuff of the main psyche structures,
and also bring such in out of context, more sounding like you are
making something up while you arae reading.

As such that to alter stuff to do with the foot causes reactions in
other systems including in the head 
and that such can see to alterations also of hardware 
does not sound impossible to me.

> Is there a any brain researchers who can make sense out of this?  The foot as
>> homunculus?

Maybe he means that as there are systems having connections to the
foot and from the foot to there, that energies that alter stuff can go
between them,
and if you were to regard it like a little man at a systems steering
wheel, some imagination remotely like that is liked by him

I do not really like the homunculus stuff and if anything would find
my own I closest to that, and the foot not at all.

But then again giving the fantasy theories I read here in
bionet.neuroscience, this one is not that much more off-shot than some

There are people there who want the own I to be in quite different
places, reduce the consciousnesses to some generalized stuff including
the entire brain and excluding the entire body, generalizing different
memory systems into THE memory, coming with THE working memory, THE
long-term memory or other stuff like that, with souls, THE
generalized, physical systems independent mind, a brain model of
generalized brain cells and glia and one of the most important
communication basics of the brain being ignored instead going on ages
about hippocampal areas of persons of other mammal races murdered,
prisoners of other mammal races tortured in different forms, energy
measurings of single substructures often totally regarded out of
context and where the point seems not even to be any longer to help
anyone with a concrete problem but more seeming into getting energy
data for future dictators and satellites, dreaming about making
artificial beings to be their slaves, and not based on the magic
communication system, but on the axon communication system,
and not on modern technology or others energy stuff, but on computers
and chips. The front is in many of the fantasies tried to be given
special powers, but often the fantasies do not even go far enough to
understand much about the different areas of the front and
cooparations of systems. If some more are wanting to stick special
powers to other regions, I do not really care that much if someone
fantasizes about some in the head or some in the body, as the selected
ones are often several areas remote from me, so that I might not
percewive that much of  difference.
I guess at least into the foot I still get far more access powers far
easier than into some other systems.

>The foot as a homunculus is my own invention.

And he says it is his invention, so there he is ahead of those who are
stating like a matter of fact that the entire head is conscious, that
the own I is the entire mind and that not to do with areas in the
head, that the motor cortex or other areas of the front suddenly are
supposed to have independent consciousnesses, that to fight what is
natural with chemistry to remove some symptoms by damaging structures,
At least he does not advertise to physically damage systems noit even
understood well with drugs  and then getting drugged persons in such
artificial stages to start to dig up stuff that by nature they would
not be far enough yet, or other utterly dangerous methods famous for
pushing people into suicide. Nor is hee going off about mutilating
persons of other mammal races, keeeping them prisoners or killing

Someone liking some own invention I prefer over such by far.

Apart from that for some people I could see some benefits in the
described method rast enough, and not much likely harm to come from it
with others, that I do not really get why it matters that much if he
likes some own invention.
There are and for thousands of years have been enough healers of Earth
using fantasy to create special powers seeing to real positive

> Why wouldn't a redundant nervous system also share its body image with its external sensors?
> Makes sense. 
Not to me.
I did not get which redundant areas you were exactly referring to and
what you exactly meant with ITs (geeneralized) body image. (Singular?
And which image?)

>Especially since feet and hands interface directly with the environment.
;-)   I am not that far in forms of magic concerning such yet nor are
likely to ever be.

>> > Well if you look at the homunculi 
What exactly is supposed to be in the sensory/motor cortex?
(Structures / Sorts of energies?  Why not using more concrete names 
or more fitting ones?)
>>in the sensory/motor cortex 

>>This is Earth, right? 
....Asked someone many glaxy clusters from here in his communication
form  when trying to imply that though none of that being's kind had
the capacities to understand all of all Earths, this being was also
not willing to understand much going on on the one he lived on, and
therefore had a tendency to evade with aggressive questions for which
not really an answer was wanted instead of pointing out errors and
stating the own opinions about correct versions. 

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