Didier A. Depireux wrote in message <7i4aki$gv5$1 at hecate.umd.edu>...
>Eugene Leitl (eugene.leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de) wrote:
>>: Simon Marsh writes:
>: > Some neuroscientests estimate that during an average lifespan, a
person uses
>: Can you spell 'urban legend'?
>>Forget urban legend. If you are writing to a neuroscience newsgroup, can
>you spell "Neuroscientist"? (or Brain in the subject line, for that matter)
Excuse me, I am not a Neuroscientist and therefore thought that the place to
get a question I have wondered about for a while would be here. So what if
I'm not the best typest in the world, does it matter? You all understood my