eric at GRUVER.NET (Eric) wrote:
>ken collins, addicted to causing pain for all the readers of
...who are mot liking his stuff and yet still have not gotten the
trick of not down-loading the text and not reading it, and assume that
all other readers must do like they do...
(With my usual politeness ... ;-)
(Some day I should consider a career in diplomacy,
maybe becoming ambassador to some place where there was peace for too
long in a row, in case such place exists.)
> let loose his fingers upon the keyboard
You have maybe never enjoyed the fun enough to go into some group
where most of the theories are nonsense anyway and see what speed your
fingers can get while trying to surpass it.
>and wrote absolutely nothing
...that was of interest for you and therefore you rate it nothing.
If I were to rate your REs here to the topic yours score less,
so I guess by the same that would make less than zero or the
neo-Dagian double zero (still no adding a seven allowed).
>while using as many words as was humanly
I am fairly sure I could beat that one pretty effortlessly and he me
and I him again.
Met a few people where even I shut up and htey outbabbled me; maybe
one should invite them here to give your understanding of "as many
words as was humanly possible" new dimensions.
>However, in this case, you are probably talking about some
>pet hallucination of your own about the atomic nucleus that
>bears little or no resemblence to reality.
I am sure you are magically and in Westie stuff far enough to
understand a lot about such.
Impressive, that'd outscore a lot.
>.... the mythical, magical
Alone the way you use "magic" and comparing it to the way sense
censored Westie sometimes use it, is interesting.
If you would have bothered to pay attention in this room, it would not
have excaped you who of the ones who at times posted in here had a bit
to do with magic an who not (including Ken).
But I would not exclude that there as well all you do not understand
for you is nothing.
If for oneself turning all that is not understood or where one is not
interested or both into "nothing", then on the long run you might have
a chance to understand a bit more about some of the stuff John posted
about, though, grin.
>> good grief, folks've become so familiar with upwardly
>> accelerating TD E/I that even the thought of its absence
>> "frightens" them... everything's inverted (AoK, short paper, App
>> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)...
If you were really interested in folks even just here to become
familiar with it, you would hve posted your theories here long ago.
And you did not.
So do not go "good griefing", unless you are grieving about yourself
and other stuff where your writing surpasses your practical deeds to
help with physical work at times seeming by 666 Trillion to 1.
If you want people even just in here to become familiar with your
terms and theories, then post them here.
If you don't, then it sounds rather idiotic to expect them to become
familiar with it.
At some point you should make up your mind what you want.
If deciding like me to stay cryptic and evade to stuff where the sort
of standard Westie is unlikely to get what it is about and discard it
as nonsense, then do not in the next sentence gol on about them not
getting it.
There are skills like "seeing" or some others where they are so known
in different cultures of Earth, though maybe under different terms,
that to make a reference to them and be a bit "mock-exasperated" if
someone is lagging so many thousands of years back beyond human data
of Earth that he does not get it, can be fun.
But if referring to own stuff never explained in much detail here and
then go on that everybody has to understand it I do not find correct.
(Apart from that some of the stuff you explained in here was plain
wrong and other stuff often generalized systems to the point that it
was eithert just vague babbling or also plain wrong for part of the
systems referred with that generalizing.)
(Methinks it is one of my overly polite, times again, in which I am so
considerate of the emotions of others over what I write.
...Often I simply can't resist... ;-)